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Expert(s): Mark W. Skinner

ITIS records 1 to 500 citing this (these) expert(s)
 Kingdom Fungi
  Haematomma porphyrium (Pers.) Zopf -- not accepted
 Kingdom Plantae
  Aberia caffra Hook. f. & Harvey -- not accepted
  Aberia gardneri D. Clos -- not accepted
  Abies alba Miller -- accepted -- silver fir
  Abies subalpina Engelmann -- not accepted
  Acacia albida Del. -- not accepted
  Acacia ampliceps Maslin -- accepted -- acacia
  Acacia arabica (Lam.) Willd. -- not accepted
  Acacia catechu (L. f.) Willd. -- accepted -- black cutch
  Acacia glauca (L.) Moench -- accepted -- acacia
  Acacia ligulata Benth. -- accepted -- acacia
  Acacia rehmanniana Schinz -- accepted -- acacia
  Acacia sclerosperma F. Muell. -- accepted -- acacia
  Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. -- accepted -- gum arabic
  Acacia seyal Del. -- accepted -- talh
  Acacia sophorae (Labill.) R.Br. -- accepted -- acacia
  Acacia tortilis (Forsskal) Hayne -- accepted -- umbrella thorn
  Acacia verek Guillemin & Perrottet -- not accepted
  Acacia victoriae Benth. -- accepted -- acacia
  Acaena pallida (T. Kirk) J. W. Dawson -- accepted -- pale biddy-biddy
  Acanthaceae -- accepted -- acanthacées, acanthus
  Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.) Harms -- not accepted
  Acanthus L. -- accepted -- acanthus
  Acanthus ebracteatus Vahl -- accepted -- acanthus
  Acanthus mollis L. -- accepted -- bear's breech
  Acanthus spinosus L. -- accepted -- spine acanthus
  Acanthus syriacus Boiss. -- accepted -- Syrian acanthus
  Aceraceae -- accepted -- maples
  Achatocarpaceae -- accepted
  Achillea ageratifolia (Sibth. & Smith) Boiss. -- accepted -- yarrow
  Achnatherum splendens (Trin.) Nevski -- accepted
  Acisanthera erecta Gleason -- accepted -- acisanthera
  Aconitum anthora L. -- accepted -- yellow monkshood
  Aconitum carmichaelii Debeaux -- accepted -- Carmichael's monkshood
  Aconitum ferox Wallich ex Ser. -- accepted -- Indian aconite
  Aconitum fischeri Reichb. -- accepted -- Fischer monkshood
  Aconitum vulparia Reichb. ex Sprengel -- accepted -- wolfsbane
  Acoraceae -- accepted
  Acrobolbaceae -- accepted
  Acroceras Stapf -- accepted -- acroceras
  Acroceras amplectens Stapf -- accepted -- acroceras
  Acroceras macrum Stapf -- accepted -- Nile grass
  Acrocomia vinifera Oersted -- accepted -- coyol palm
  Acronychia J.R. & G. Forst. -- accepted
  Acronychia heterophylla A. Gray -- accepted
  Actinidia chinensis Planchon -- accepted -- kiwi
  Actinidia polygama (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. -- accepted -- silver vine
  Actinidiaceae -- accepted
  Adhatoda vasica Nees -- not accepted
  Adianaceae -- not accepted
  Adiantaceae -- not accepted
  Adoxaceae -- accepted -- adoxas
  Aegilops bicornis (Forsskal) Jaub. & Spach -- accepted -- goatgrass
  Aegilops biuncialis Vis. -- not accepted
  Aegilops comosa Sibth. & Smith -- accepted -- goatgrass
  Aegilops longissima Schweinf. & Muschl. -- accepted -- goatgrass
  Aegilops lorentii Hochst. -- accepted -- Lorent's goatgrass
  Aegilops searsii M. Feldman & M. Kislev -- accepted -- Sears' goatgrass
  Aegilops speltoides Tausch -- accepted -- goatgrass
  Aegilops squarrosa L. -- not accepted
  Aegilops squarrosa of authors -- not accepted
  Aegilops tauschii Coss. -- accepted -- Tausch's goatgrass
  Aegilops tripsacoides Jaub. & Spach -- not accepted
  Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk. -- accepted -- goatgrass
  Aegilops ventricosa Tausch -- accepted -- barbed goatgrass, goatgrass
  Aeginetia L. -- accepted -- aeginetia
  Aeginetia indica L. -- accepted -- aeginetia, ye gu
  Aegle Corr. Serr. -- accepted -- aegle
  Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. Serr. -- accepted -- Indian bael
  Aerva javanica (Burman f.) A. L. Juss. ex Schultes -- accepted -- Java aerva
  Aerva lanata (L.) A. L. Juss. ex Schultes -- accepted -- aerva
  Aerva tomentosa Forsskal -- not accepted
  Aesandra Pierre -- accepted -- aesandra
  Aesandra butyracea (Roxb.) Baehni -- accepted -- aesandra
  Aeschynomene aspera L. -- accepted -- sola pith plant
  Aeschynomene bispinosa Jacq. -- not accepted
  Aeschynomene elaphroxylon (Guillemin & Perrottet) Taubert -- accepted -- ambatch
  Aesculus turbinata Blume -- accepted -- Japanese horse chestnut
  Aframomum Schumann -- accepted -- aframomum
  Aframomum melegueta Schumann -- accepted -- melegueta pepper
  Afzelia Smith -- accepted -- mahogany
  Afzelia africana Smith ex Pers. -- accepted -- African mahogany
  Afzelia bella Harms -- accepted -- pretty afzelia
  Afzelia quanzensis Welw. -- accepted -- pod mahogany
  Agapanthus L'Her. -- accepted -- agapanthus
  Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffsgg. -- accepted -- lily of the Nile
  Agapanthus umbellatus L'Her. -- not accepted
  Agathis Salisb. -- accepted -- agathis
  Agathis alba Rumphius ex Jeffrey -- not accepted
  Agathis australis (D. Don) Steudel -- accepted -- kauri
  Agathis dammara (Lamb.) Rich. -- accepted -- dammar pine
  Agathis robusta (C. Moore ex F. Muell.) Bailey -- accepted -- Queensland kauri
  Agathosma Willd. -- accepted -- agathosma
  Agathosma betulina (Bergius) Pill. -- accepted -- buchu
  Agathosma crenulata (L.) Pill. -- accepted -- buchu
  Agathosma serratifolia (Curtis) Spreeth -- accepted -- longleaf buchu
  Agavaceae -- accepted
  Agave angustifolia Haw. -- accepted -- century plant, Maguey espadín
  Agave atrovirens Karw. ex Salm-Dyck -- accepted -- maguey, Maguey de montaña
  Agave cantala Roxb. -- accepted -- cantala, Maguey de la India
  Agave fourcroydes Lemaire -- accepted -- henequen, Maguey henequén
  Agave heteracantha Zucc. -- not accepted
  Agave tequilana A. Weber -- accepted -- Mezcal azul tequilero, tequila agave
  Agave xylonacantha Salm-Dyck -- accepted -- century plant, Maguey diente de tiburón
  Aglaia Lour. -- accepted
  Aglaia ponapensis Kanehira -- accepted
  Agropyron riparium Scribner & J. G. Smith -- not accepted
  Agrostis castellana Boiss. & Reuter -- accepted -- bentgrass
  Agrostis vulgaris With. -- not accepted
  Aiphanes caryotifolia (Kunth) H. A. Wendl. -- accepted -- coyure palm
  Aiphanes corallina (C. Martius) H. A. Wendl. ex Griseb. -- accepted -- coyor
  Aira cespitosa L. -- not accepted
  Aizoaceae -- accepted -- ice plants
  Albizia falcata of authors -- not accepted
  Albizia ferruginea (Guillemin & Perrottet) Benth. -- accepted -- albizia
  Albizia odoratissima (L. f.) Benth. -- accepted -- albizia
  Albizia stipulata (Roxb.) Boivin -- not accepted
  Albizia zygia (DC.) Macbr. -- accepted -- albizia
  Aleurites cordata (Thunb.) R. Br. ex Steudel -- not accepted
  Aleurites javanica Gand. -- not accepted
  Aleurites triloba Forster & Forster f. -- not accepted
  Aleurites trisperma Blanco -- not accepted
  Alismataceae -- accepted -- arrowhead, water-plantain
  Alismatales -- accepted
  Alismatidae -- accepted
  Alkanna Tausch -- accepted -- alkanna
  Alkanna tinctoria (L.) Tausch -- accepted -- alkanna
  Allisoniaceae -- accepted
  Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum (L.) Gay -- not accepted
  Allium ascalonicum L. -- accepted -- wild onion
  Allium bakeri Regel -- not accepted
  Allium cepa var. aggregatum G. Don -- not accepted
  Allium cepa var. proliferum (Moench) Regel -- not accepted
  Allium chinense G. Don -- accepted -- rakkyo
  Allium odorum L. -- accepted -- Chinese chives
  Alocasia alba Schott -- not accepted
  Alocasia crassifolia Engler -- not accepted
  Alocasia cucullata (Lour.) G. Don -- accepted -- chinese taro
  Alocasia indica (Lour.) Spach -- not accepted
  Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) Schott -- not accepted
  Aloe arborescens Miller -- accepted -- candelabra aloe
  Aloe ferox Miller -- accepted -- cape aloe
  Aloe perryi Baker -- accepted -- Perry's aloe
  Aloeaceae -- accepted
  Alopecurus brachystachus Bieb. -- accepted -- foxtail
  Aloysia ligustrina of authors -- not accepted
  Alpinia galanga (L.) Sw. -- accepted -- greater galangal
  Alpinia officinarum Hance -- accepted -- lesser galangal
  Alternanthera amoena (Lemaire) Voss -- not accepted
  Alternanthera hasslerana Chodat ex Chodat & Hassler -- not accepted
  Alternanthera hassleriana Chodat ex Chodat & Hassler -- accepted -- Hassler's alternanthera
  Amaranthaceae -- accepted -- amaranthes, pigweed
  Amaranthus edulis Speg. -- not accepted
  Amblyopyrum Eig -- accepted -- amblyopyrum
  Amblyopyrum muticum (Boiss.) Eig -- accepted -- amblyopyrum
  Amblystegiaceae -- accepted
  Ammi copticum L. -- not accepted
  Amomum Roxb. -- accepted -- cardamom
  Amomum cardamomum L. -- not accepted
  Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton -- accepted -- round cardamom
  Amomum gracile Blume -- accepted -- serkkom
  Amomum kepulaga Sprague & Burkill -- not accepted
  Amomum zedoaria Christm. -- not accepted
  Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne. -- accepted -- amorphophallus
  Amorphophallus campanulatus Blume ex Decne. -- not accepted
  Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch -- accepted -- devil's tongue
  Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson -- accepted -- whitespot giant arum
  Amorphophallus rivieri Durieu -- not accepted
  Amygdalus communis L. -- not accepted
  Anacardiaceae -- accepted -- cashews
  Andreaeaceae -- accepted
  Andreaeales -- accepted
  Andreaeidae -- accepted
  Andreaeobryaceae -- accepted
  Andreaeobryales -- accepted
  Andreaeopsida -- accepted
  Andropogon flexuosus Nees ex Steudel -- not accepted
  Andropogon gayanus Kunth -- accepted -- bluestem
  Andropogon martinii Roxb. -- not accepted
  Andropogon nardus L. -- not accepted
  Androstephium coeruleum (Scheele) Greene -- not accepted -- blue funnellily
  Anemiaceae -- accepted
  Anemone pulsatilla L. -- not accepted
  Aneuraceae -- accepted
  Anisum vulgare Gaertner -- not accepted
  Annona cherimola Miller -- accepted -- cherimoya
  Annona diversifolia Saff. -- accepted -- ilama
  Annona purpurea Mocino & Sesse ex Dunal -- accepted -- annona
  Annona senegalensis Pers. -- accepted -- wild custard-apple
  Annonaceae -- accepted -- custard apples
  Anogeissus (DC.) Guillemin, Perrottet, & A. Rich. -- accepted -- anogeissus
  Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wallich ex Beddome -- accepted -- gum ghatti
  Anomodontaceae -- accepted
  Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelb. -- not accepted
  Antheliaceae -- accepted
  Anthocerotaceae -- accepted
  Anthocerotae -- accepted
  Anthocerotales -- accepted
  Anthocerotophyta -- accepted
  Anthocerotopsida -- accepted
  Anthriscus longirostris Bertol. -- not accepted
  Anthurium palmatum (L.) G. Don -- accepted -- anthurium
  Antidesma bunius (L.) Sprengel -- accepted -- bignay
  Antidesma dallachyanum Baillon -- accepted -- herbert river cherry
  Apiaceae -- accepted
  Apiales -- accepted
  Apium dulce Miller -- not accepted
  Apium graveolens var. rapaceum (Miller) Gaudin -- accepted -- celeriac
  Apium rapaceum Miller -- not accepted
  Apocynaceae Adans., nom. cons. -- accepted -- apocyns, dogbane
  Aponogetonaceae -- accepted
  Aquifoliaceae -- accepted -- hollies
  Aquilegia coerulea James -- not accepted -- Colorado blue columbine
  Aquilegia coerulea var. alpina A. Nels. -- not accepted -- Colorado alpine columbine
  Aquilegia coerulea var. coerulea James -- not accepted -- Colorado blue columbine
  Aquilegia coerulea var. daileyae Eastw. -- not accepted -- Dailey's columbine
  Aquilegia coerulea var. ochroleuca Hook. -- not accepted -- white Colorado columbine
  Aquilegia coerulea var. pinetorum (Tidestrom) Payson ex Kearney & Peebles -- not accepted -- Colorado blue columbine
  Araceae -- accepted
  Arachis monticola Krapov. & Rig. -- accepted -- peanut
  Arachis villosulicarpa Hoehne -- accepted -- groundnut
  Arales -- accepted
  Aralia cordata Thunb. -- accepted -- udo
  Aralia edulis Siebold & Zucc. -- not accepted
  Araliaceae -- accepted -- ginseng
  Araucaria Juss. -- accepted -- araucaria
  Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze -- accepted -- parana pine
  Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch -- accepted -- monkey puzzle tree, monkeypuzzle tree
  Araucaria bidwillii Hook. -- accepted -- bunya bunya
  Araucaria columnaris (Forster) Hook. -- accepted -- New Caledonia pine
  Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex D. Don -- accepted -- Moreton Bay pine
  Araucaria excelsa (Lamb.) R. Br. -- not accepted
  Araucariaceae -- accepted
  Araujia sericofera Brot. -- accepted -- bladder flower
  Arbutus unedo L. -- accepted -- strawberry tree
  Archidiaceae -- accepted
  Archidiales -- accepted
  Areca L. -- accepted -- areca palm
  Areca catechu L. -- accepted -- betel palm
  Areca cathecu L. -- not accepted
  Arecaceae -- accepted
  Arecales -- accepted
  Arecastrum (Drude) Becc. -- accepted -- arecastrum palm
  Arecastrum romanzoffianum (Cham.) Becc. -- accepted -- queen palm
  Arecidae -- accepted
  Arenga Labill. -- accepted -- arenga palm
  Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. -- accepted -- sugar palm
  Arenga saccharifera Labill. ex DC. -- not accepted
  Arisaema heterophyllum Blume -- accepted -- arisaema
  Arisaema japonicum Blume -- accepted -- Japanese arisaema
  Arisaema speciosum (Wallich) C. Martius -- accepted -- cobralily
  Arisaema tortuosum (Wallich) Schott -- accepted -- arisaema
  Aristoclesia esculenta (Arruda) Stuntz -- not accepted
  Aristolochia littoralis Parodi -- accepted -- calico flower, Dutchman's pipe, elegant dutchman's pipe, pelican flower
  Aristolochiaceae -- accepted -- birthworts
  Aristolochiales -- accepted
  Arnelliaceae -- accepted
  Arnica montana L. -- accepted -- mountain arnica
  Arracacia esculenta DC. -- not accepted
  Artemisia cina O. Berg & C. F. Schmidt -- accepted -- santonica
  Artemisia maritima L. -- accepted -- sea wormwood
  Arthrophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) C. B. Clarke -- not accepted
  Artocarpus champeden (Lour.) Spreng. -- not accepted
  Artocarpus champeden (Lour.) Stokes -- not accepted
  Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. ex Blume -- accepted -- artocarpus
  Artocarpus hirsutus Lam. -- accepted -- hirsute artocarpus
  Artocarpus integer auct. -- not accepted -- chempedak
  Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. -- accepted -- chempedak
  Artocarpus integrifolius L. f. -- not accepted
  Artocarpus integrifolius auct. -- not accepted
  Artocarpus mariannensis Trecul -- accepted -- artocarpus
  Artocarpus odoratissimus Blanco -- accepted -- marang
  Artocarpus rigidus Blume -- accepted -- monkey Jack
  Artocarpus tamaran Becc. -- accepted -- artocarpus
  Arum esculentum L. -- not accepted
  Arum indicum Lour. -- not accepted
  Arum maculatum L. -- accepted -- cuckoo pint
  Arundinaria amabilis McClure -- accepted -- Tonkin cane
  Arundinaria longifolia Fourn. -- not accepted
  Ascarina J.R. & G. Forst. -- accepted
  Ascarina diffusa A.C. Smith -- accepted
  Asclepiadaceae -- accepted -- asclépiades, milkweeds
  Aspalathus L. -- accepted -- aspalathus
  Aspalathus contaminatus of authors -- not accepted
  Aspalathus linearis (Burman f.) R. Dahlgren -- accepted -- rooibos
  Asparagus africanus Lam. -- accepted -- African asparagus
  Asphodelus albus Miller -- accepted -- rimmed lichen
  Asphodelus sphaerocarpus Gren. & Godron -- not accepted
  Aspleniaceae -- accepted
  Aster coerulescens DC. -- not accepted
  Asteraceae -- accepted -- sunflowers, tournesols
  Asterales -- accepted
  Asteridae -- accepted
  Astragalus edulis Durieu ex Bunge -- accepted -- milkvetch
  Astragalus gummifer Labill. -- accepted -- gum tragacanth milkvetch
  Astronidium Gray -- accepted
  Astronidium kusaianum Hosokawa -- accepted
  Astronidium pickeringii (A. Gray) Christophersen -- accepted
  Astronidium ponapense (Kanehira) Markgraf -- accepted
  Atriplex halimus L. -- accepted -- saltbush
  Atriplex rhagodioides F. Muell. -- accepted -- saltbush
  Attalea Kunth -- accepted -- attalea palm
  Attalea cohune C. Martius -- not accepted
  Attalea funifera C. Martius ex Sprengel -- accepted -- Bahia piassaba palm
  Attalea speciosa C. Martius -- not accepted
  Aulacomniaceae -- accepted
  Avena abyssinica Hochst. -- accepted -- Abyssinian oat
  Avena magna Murphy & Terrell -- not accepted
  Avena maroccana Gand. -- accepted -- Moraccan oat
  Avena nuda L. -- accepted -- naked oat
  Averrhoa L. -- accepted -- averrhoa
  Averrhoa bilimbi L. -- accepted -- bilimbi
  Averrhoa carambola L. -- accepted -- carambola
  Avicennia africana P. Beauv. -- accepted -- black mangrove
  Axonopus purpusii (Mez) Chase -- accepted -- Purpus' carpetgrass
  Axonopus scoparius (Fluegge) Hitchc. -- accepted -- carpetgrass
  Aytoniaceae -- accepted
  Azadirachta Adr. Juss. -- accepted -- azadirachta
  Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss. -- accepted -- neem
  Azolla pinnata R. Br. -- accepted -- feathered mosquitofern, mosquito fern, water velvet
  Azollaceae -- accepted
  Baccaurea Lour. -- accepted -- baccaurea
  Baccaurea motleyana (Muell. Arg.) Muell. Arg. -- accepted -- rambai
  Baccaurea racemosa (Reinw.) Muell. Arg. -- accepted -- menteng
  Baccaurea ramiflora Lour. -- accepted -- baccaurea
  Baccaurea sapida (Roxb.) Muell. Arg. -- not accepted
  Bacopa procumbens (Miller) Greenman -- accepted -- waterhyssop
  Bactris Jacq. ex Scop. -- accepted -- bactris palm
  Bactris gasipaes Kunth -- accepted -- peach palm
  Bactris guineensis (L.) H. Moore -- accepted -- Guinea bactris
  Baeckea L. -- accepted -- baeckea
  Baeckea frutescens L. -- accepted -- baeckea
  Baeothryon cespitosum (L.) A. Dietr. -- not accepted
  Baillonella Pierre -- accepted -- baillonella
  Baillonella toxisperma Pierre -- accepted -- djave
  Balanites Del. -- accepted -- balanites
  Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. -- accepted -- desert date
  Balanites maughamii Sprague -- accepted -- manduro
  Balanophoraceae -- accepted
  Balsaminaceae -- accepted -- touch-me-nots
  Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd. -- accepted -- bamboo
  Bambusa beecheyana Munro -- accepted -- Beechey's bamboo
  Bambusa longifolia (Fourn.) McClure -- accepted -- longflower bamboo
  Bambusa longispiculata Gamble ex Brandis -- accepted -- bamboo
  Bambusa polymorpha Munro -- accepted -- polymorph bamboo
  Bambusa textilis McClure -- accepted -- textile bamboo
  Bambusa tulda Roxb. -- accepted -- bamboo
  Bambusa tuldoides Munro -- accepted -- puntingpole bamboo
  Banisteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) Morton -- accepted -- ayahuasca
  Banisteriopsis inebrians Morton -- not accepted
  Banisteriopsis quitensis (Niedz.) Morton -- not accepted
  Baphia Lodd. -- accepted -- baphia
  Baphia nitida Lodd. -- accepted -- camwood
  Barbarea praecox (Smith) R. Br. -- not accepted
  Barleria opaca (Vahl) Nees -- accepted -- kwahu
  Barosma betulina (Bergius) Bartling & Wendl. f. -- not accepted
  Barosma crenulata (L.) Hook. -- not accepted
  Barosma serratifolia (Curtis) Willd. -- not accepted
  Barringtonia racemosa Roxb. -- accepted
  Barringtonia samoensis A. Gray -- accepted
  Bartramiaceae -- accepted
  Basellaceae -- accepted -- basella
  Bassia butyracea Roxb. -- not accepted
  Bassia latifolia Roxb. -- not accepted
  Bassia longifolia J. Konig -- not accepted
  Bataceae -- accepted
  Batales -- accepted
  Batidaceae -- not accepted
  Bauhinia esculenta Burchell -- accepted -- camel's foot
  Bauhinia fassoglensis Kotschy ex Schweinf. -- accepted -- bauhinia
  Begoniaceae -- accepted -- begonias
  Benincasa cerifera Savi -- not accepted
  Berberidaceae -- accepted -- bayberries
  Bertholletia Humb. & Bonpl. -- accepted -- bertholletia
  Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl. -- accepted -- brazilnut
  Beta adanensis A. Pamukc. ex Aellen -- accepted -- beet
  Beta atriplicifolia Rouy -- accepted -- beet
  Beta cicla (L.) L. -- not accepted
  Beta corolliflora Zossimovic -- not accepted
  Beta lomatogona Fischer & C. Meyer -- accepted -- beet
  Beta macrocarpa Guss. -- not accepted
  Beta nana Boiss. & Heldr. -- accepted -- beet
  Beta patellaris Moq. -- accepted -- beet
  Beta patula Aiton -- accepted -- beet
  Beta trigyna Waldst. & Kit. -- accepted -- beet
  Beta trojana A. Pamukc. ex Aellen -- accepted -- trojan beet
  Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla (L.) Koch -- accepted -- chard
  Beta vulgaris ssp. macrocarpa (Guss.) Thell. -- accepted -- beet
  Beta vulgaris var. cicla L. -- not accepted
  Betulaceae -- accepted -- alder, birch
  Bignoniaceae -- accepted -- bignonias
  Bixaceae -- accepted
  Blasiaceae -- accepted
  Blechnaceae -- accepted
  Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. -- accepted -- nagi camphor
  Blumea lacera (Burman f.) DC. -- accepted -- blumea
  Blyxa octandra Planch. ex Thw. -- accepted -- blyxa
  Boesenbergia Kuntze -- accepted -- boesenbergia
  Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. -- accepted -- rotund boesenbergia
  Bombacaceae -- accepted -- bombax
  Bombax L. -- accepted -- cottontree
  Bombax ceiba L. -- accepted -- red silk cottontree
  Bombax malabaricum DC. -- not accepted
  Bombax pentandrum L. -- not accepted
  Boraginaceae -- accepted -- borage, bourraches
  Borassus L. -- accepted -- borassus palm
  Borassus aethiopum C. Martius -- accepted -- palmyra palm
  Borassus flabellifer L. -- accepted -- toddy palm
  Borbonia pinifolia Marloth -- not accepted
  Boronia Smith -- accepted -- boronia
  Boronia megastigma Nees ex Bartling -- accepted -- sweet boronia
  Boscia Lam. -- accepted -- boscia
  Boscia senegalensis (Pers.) Lam. ex Poiret -- accepted -- Senegal boscia
  Boswellia Roxb. ex Colebr. -- accepted -- boswellia
  Boswellia carteri Birdw. -- not accepted
  Boswellia frereana Birdw. -- accepted -- elemi frankincense
  Boswellia glabra Roxb. -- not accepted
  Boswellia papyrifera (Del. ex Caill.) Hochst. -- accepted -- elephant tree
  Boswellia sacra Flueckiger -- accepted -- frankincense
  Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. -- accepted -- Indian frankincense
  Bothriochloa insculpta (A. Rich.) A. Camus -- accepted -- sweetpitted grass
  Brachiaria deflexa (Schumacher) C. E. Hubb. ex Robyns -- accepted -- deflexed brachiaria
  Brachytheciaceae -- accepted
  Brassica alboglabra L. H. Bailey -- accepted -- Chinese kale
  Brassica campestris ssp. napus Duthie & Fuller -- not accepted
  Brassica campestris ssp. rapifera (Metzger) Sinsk. -- not accepted
  Brassica campestris var. oleifera DC. -- not accepted
  Brassica campestris var. sarson Prain -- not accepted
  Brassica caulorapa (DC.) Pasq. -- not accepted
  Brassica chinensis L. -- accepted -- pak choi
  Brassica cretica Lam. -- accepted -- mustard
  Brassica napus var. napus L. -- accepted -- rape
  Brassica napus var. pabularia (DC.) Reichb. -- accepted -- Siberian kale
  Brassica narinosa L. H. Bailey -- accepted -- broadbeaked mustard
  Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra (L. H. Bailey) Musil -- not accepted
  Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L. -- accepted -- broccoli
  Brassica oleracea var. caulorapa DC. -- not accepted
  Brassica oleracea var. chinensis (L.) Prain -- not accepted
  Brassica oleracea var. costata DC. -- accepted -- tronchuda cabbage
  Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera DC. -- accepted -- brussels sprouts
  Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L. -- accepted -- kohlrabi
  Brassica oleracea var. italica Plenck -- accepted -- sprouting broccoli
  Brassica oleracea var. tronchuda L. H. Bailey -- not accepted
  Brassica parachinensis L. H. Bailey -- accepted -- false pak choi
  Brassica pe-tsai L. H. Bailey -- not accepted
  Brassica perviridis (L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey -- accepted -- tender green
  Brassica rapa ssp. rapa L. -- accepted -- rape mustard
  Brassica rapa ssp. rapifera Metzger -- not accepted
  Brassica rapa ssp. sarson (Prain) Denford -- accepted -- brown sarson
  Brassica rapa var. dichotoma (Roxb. ex Fleming) Kitam. -- accepted -- toria
  Brassica rapa var. oleifera DC. -- not accepted
  Brassica rapa var. perviridis L. H. Bailey -- not accepted
  Brassica rapa var. septiceps L. H. Bailey -- not accepted
  Brassica rapa var. silvestris (Lam.) Briggs -- accepted -- colza
  Brassica rapa var. trilocularis (Roxb.) Kitam. -- accepted -- yellow sarson
  Brassica rupestris Raf. -- accepted -- mustard
  Brassica ruvo L. H. Bailey -- accepted -- ruvo kale
  Brassica septiceps (L. H. Bailey) L. H. Bailey -- accepted -- seventop turnip
  Brassica trilocularis (Roxb.) Hook. f. & Thomson -- not accepted
  Brassicaceae -- accepted -- moutardes, mustards
  Briza humilis M. Bieb. -- accepted -- quakinggrass
  Briza spicata Sibth. & Smith -- not accepted
  Bromelia comosa L. -- not accepted
  Bromeliaceae -- accepted
  Bromeliales -- accepted
  Bromus biebersteinii Roemer & J.A. Schultes -- accepted -- meadow brome
  Bromus brizaeformis Fischer & C. Meyer -- not accepted
  Bromus mango Desv. -- accepted -- mango brome
  Bromus porteri var. lanatipes Shear -- not accepted
  Brosimum alicastrum ssp. alicastrum Sw. -- accepted -- ramon
  Brosimum alicastrum ssp. bolivarense (Pitt.) C. C. Berg -- accepted -- Bolivar brosimum
  Brosimum aubletii Poeppig & Endl. -- not accepted
  Brosimum guianense (Aublet) Huber -- accepted -- Guiana brosimum
  Brosimum uleanum Mildbr. -- not accepted
  Brosimum utile (Kunth) Pittier -- accepted -- cow tree
  Bruchiaceae -- accepted
  Brugmansia sanguinea (Ruiz & Pavon) D. Don -- accepted -- red floripontio
  Brunelliaceae -- accepted
  Brunfelsia chiricaspi Plowman -- accepted -- brunfelsia
  Brunfelsia grandiflora D. Don -- accepted -- largeflower brunfelsia
  Brunfelsia hopeana (Hook.) Benth. -- not accepted
  Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl) D. Don -- accepted -- manaca
  Bryaceae -- accepted
  Bryales -- accepted
  Bryidae -- accepted
  Bryophyta -- accepted -- hépatiques, hornworts, mosses, mousses
  Bryopsida -- accepted
  Bryoxiphiaceae -- accepted
  Buchanania Sprengel -- accepted -- buchanania
  Buchanania latifolia Roxb. -- accepted -- chirauli nut
  Buddlejaceae -- accepted -- buddlejas
  Bulnesia C. Gay -- accepted -- lignumvitae
  Bulnesia arborea (Jacq.) Engler -- accepted -- maracaibo lignumvitae
  Bulnesia sarmienti Lorentz ex Griseb. -- accepted -- balsamo
  Burmannia ledermannii Jonk. -- accepted -- bluethread
  Burmanniaceae -- accepted
  Burseraceae -- accepted -- burseras
  Butea Roxb. ex Willd. -- accepted -- butea
  Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taubert -- accepted -- Bengal kino
  Butomaceae -- accepted

A gray bar
Date Generated:  
Wed Mar 4 2009 08:26:57 MST