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Mercury Pollution Rules

Mercury is a neurotoxin that accumulates in the food chain and can damage the brain, spinal cord, kidneys and liver. It has been linked to attention deficit disorder in children, and is particularly hazardous to developing fetuses and young children. Poison control centers and emergency rooms took 18,000 calls in 1998 because of broken mercury fever thermometers.

Fish consumption advisories exist in 40 states due to mercury contamination. Broken thermometers, which each contain one-half gram of the substance, are a big source of the pollution. That half gram is sufficient to spoil the water in 200 Olympic-sized pools, or 5 million gallons. There are better alternatives to poisonous mercury thermometers, such as digital and glass with alcohol or galinstan.

Mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants lead to contamination of our nation's waterways. Fish eating advisories are in place in many states that recommended a limited consumption of fish from certain waterways. New technologies are making mercury emissions control more economical.

Several agencies and local governments have taken steps to phase out mercury thermometers. In 1998, the American Hospital Association signed an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promising to phase out the use of mercury thermometers among its members.

The cities of Duluth, MN, Boston, MA, and the city and county of San Francisco, CA were among the first cities to place bans on mercury thermometers within their jurisdictions. The states of Minnesota and New Hampshire and municipalities in Wisconsin and Michigan have also enacted mercury-related bans.


  • Ban on Mercury Thermometers - Ann Arbor, MI
    On July 10, 2000, the City Council of Ann Arbor, Michigan, approved a new Ordinance that bans the retail sale, importation and manufacture of mercury fever thermometers within the city limits. Ann Arbor becomes the first city in Michigan and the second in the Great Lakes basin to enact such an ordinance. More...
  • Ban on Mercury Thermometers - Duluth, MN
    On March 6, 2000 the city of Duluth adopted the nation's first-ever ban on the sale of mercury fever and basal (used by women) thermometers. The purpose of this ordinance is to help eliminate mercury from the waste stream. More...
  • Ban on Mercury Thermometers - San Francisco, CA
    San Francisco's Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance on May 8, 2000 banning the sale, import and manufacture of mercury thermometers (both fever and weather) within San Francisco's city and county limits. San Francisco was the first county in the nation to enact such a ban. More...
  • Mercury Reduction Rules: Maine's Model for Other States
    Maine has passed a handful of laws in recent years designed to prevent mercury pollution from a variety of sources including consumer products such as thermostats, cell phones and vehicles. The efforts in Maine can be a model for other states. More...
  • Mercury Labeling Law - Vermont
    Vermont's mercury labeling law is a nice example of how one state's action can lead to nationwide changes. Vermont legislation enacted in 1998 requires manufacturers to label certain mercury-added products sold or distributed in Vermont to inform consumers of mercury content and proper disposal. There is no threshold on the amount of mercury a product must have in order meet labeling requirements. More...
  • Mercury Reduction from Coal Power Plants - Connecticut
    In March 2003, environmental organizations and an electric utility issued a joint recommendation to the CT General Assembly for legislation establishing stringent new mercury emission standards for the state's coal-fired power plants. The joint proposal would require coal-fired power plants in Connecticut to achieve either an emissions standard of 0.6 (six-tenths) lbs. of mercury per trillion Btu (0.6 lb/tBtu) or a 90% efficiency in technology installed to control mercury emissions. Implementing the proposed Connecticut standard nationwide would result in an 85% reduction in mercury emissions. More...
  • Mercury Reduction from Coal Power Plants - Illinois
    On January 5, 2006, Illinois Governor Blagojevich proposed a strong set of mercury pollution control standards. The proposal would require coal plant owners to install modern pollution control equipment to reduce mercury pollution by 90 percent or more by June 30, 2009. More...
  • Mercury Reduction from Coal Power Plants - Minnesota
    Under a compromise agreement reached between many parties, legislation was passed into law in May 2006 that requires Minnesota's largest coal-fired power plants to cut mercury emissions by 90 percent by 2015. More...
  • Multiple Pollutant Reduction Program - New Hampshire
    In May 2002, New Hampshire became the first state in the country to adopt rules to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants. The new law establishes a multiple pollutant reduction program. In addition to CO2, the final version of the new law establishes caps on emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by existing fossil fuel electric power plants and also requires a reduction in mercury pollution. More...


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