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Les cultures génétiquement modifiées en Afrique et leurs conséquences pour les petits agriculteurs (649 kb)
Author: Devlin Kuyek Date: December 2002

Ce dossier s?intéresse à la pression exercée sur l?Afrique pour introduire les cultures génétiquement modifiées et les technologies y afférant, et analyse les conséquences que cette introduction entraînera pour les petits agriculteurs africains. Il s?attache en particulier à présenter la situation dans l?Est et le Sud de l?Afrique. L?analyse qui est faite dans ce dossier est loin de nous amener à partager l?optimisme des partisans du génie génétique. Au contraire, le génie génétique s?avère être une extension du paradigme de la Révolution verte, qui n?a pas pu apporter une solution aux problèmes des petits agriculteurs africains et n?a servi qu?à les exacerber.

Translated into: English  

Traditional knowledge of biodiversity in Asia-Pacific: Problems of piracy and protection (730 kb)
Author: GRAIN Date: November 2002

A new briefing on the state of traditional knowledge and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. GRAIN's 30-page briefing provides details, with numerous examples, of the changes that are occurring in Asia-Pacific; from international agreements, and regional initiatives to action taken by farming communities. Many people at the grassroots level are working to fight back and protect their resources and knowledge from blatant exploitation. Emerging strategies on what communities and organisations could do to further ensure the strengthening of community rights are outlined.

Les DPI dans l'agriculture en Afrique (547 kb)
Author: Devlin Kuyek Date: October 2002

La question des droits de propriété intellectuelle dans l'agriculture en Afrique et leurs conséquences pour les petits agriculteurs.

L'Accord de Bangui révisé et l'annexe X relative à la protection des obtentions végétales (42 kb)
Author: GRAIN Date: October 2002

Genetically Modified Crops in African Agriculture: Implications for Small Farmers (792 kb)
Author: Devlin Kuyek Date: August 2002

The briefing looks at the push to bring genetically modified (GM) crops and technologies to Africa and shows the implications for farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa. Is this new technology appropriate for African agricultural systems and what are the implications if it is taken up? What will the introduction of GM crops mean for Africa and its small farmers in particular? Is there any reason to believe that the new “gene revolution” will be any more successful than the failed Green Revolution in Africa?

Translated into: français  

Intellectual Property Rights in African Agriculture: Implications for Small Farmers (751 kb)
Author: Devlin Kuyek Date: August 2002

This briefing aims to provide rural community workers, farmers and policy makers in Africa with information that will contribute to their understanding of the implications of IPRs on plant genetic resources for small farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa. It situates the emergence of IPRs on plant genetic resources within a larger history, in which the innovative strength and traditions of African farming communities have been consistently disregarded. It concludes that the emergence of IPRs in African agriculture is highly detrimental to local food production and small farming systems, and that a reorientation of policies is urgently needed.

Bio-piraterie en Afrique
Author: GRAIN Date: August 2002

Informations sur la piraterie des ressources biologiques en Afrique.

WIPO moves toward 'world' patent system (28 kb)
Author: GRAIN Date: July 2002

In the last few years the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), a United Nations body mandated to promote intellectual property rights, has started building a “world patent” system. It may mean the end of patent policy as a tool for national development strategies and is likely to overtake the World Trade Organisation’s TRIPS agreement. Any deviation from its rules would be subject to some kind of sanction: it would be the final word.

Translated into: Español

La OMPI se encamina a un sistema 'mundial' de patentes
Author: GRAIN Date: July 2002

Translated into: English  

A challenge for Asia - the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (40 kb)
Author: GRAIN and Kalpavriksh (India) Date: April 2002

This briefing looks at the implications of the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources on Asian farmers.

Les OGM et les droits de propriété intellectuelle (31 kb)
Author: Jeanne ZOUNDJIHEKPON Date: January 2002

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