CFC #12053

Workplace Giving

Corporate Matching Gifts Program
Did you know that many employers offer a matching gifts program, which can double or even triple your charitable gift to the National Forest Foundation? You can find out if your company has a matching gifts program by contacting your personnel office, or by visiting the Case Matching Gifts Clearinghouse Web site and searching for your company. Learn more about the Case Matching Gifts Clearinghouse.

For more information, Visit the CFC Web site.

Combined Federal Campaign
Combined Federal Campaign Logo Employees of the federal government, postal service, and U.S. military have a unique opportunity to contribute to the National Forest Foundation through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign. Since 2002, the National Forest Foundation has teamed with the CFC to ensure the health of our National Forests for present and future generations.

Please consider supporting the National Forest Foundation, #12053, when filling out your pledge card.
The National Forest Foundation is a member of Earth Share, a nationwide federation of the country's most respected environmental and conservation charities.

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