
Most viewed

Last 24 hours

  1. 1. US Airways plane crash lands on Hudson river in New York

    Plane Crash in new York

    Pilot of US Airways jet avoids disaster and saves lives of 155 people by landing on Hudson River

  2. 2. Hughes plans for Kaka arrival as City close in on Milan playmaker


    Mark Hughes plans to make Kaka the creative linchpin in a bold new Manchester City line-up as a world-record deal draws 'very close'

  3. 3. US Airways plane lands in Hudson river

    US Airways, crash, Hudson River

    A US Airways plane landed in the Hudson river in New York after a bird strike disabled both of the aircraft's engines

  4. 4. Paul Kaye: 'A dark fog has enveloped us'

    Paul Kaye

    First person: When a rocket killed his mother-in-law in Israel, actor Paul Kaye was appalled by the celebrations in Gaza. Six months on, he feels a different kind of despair

  5. 5. Marina Hyde, Lost in showbiz: Voilà! Victoria does Breathless

    Victoria Beckham as the official worldwide testimonial for Emporio Armani women's underwear

    Marina Hyde: Behold, the New Wave of underwear advertising, which announces itself in a shot from Emporio Armani's latest campaign

  6. 6. Slumdog Millionaire could only have been made by a westerner

    Danny Boyle and Amitabh Bachchan

    Nirpal Dhaliwal: Danny Boyle's Bafta-nominated crowd-pleaser shows how blind Bollywood producers are to the reality of India

  7. 7. David Adam: Could the answer to global warming be in architecture - to paint it white?

    California, Palm Springs, the biggest concentration of swimming pools of all the country

    Global warming may seem like an overwhelmingly complex problem to tackle. But one scientist thinks the answer is brilliantly simple: all we need is white paint. A lot of white paint. David Adam reports.

  8. 8. Interactive: Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell on drawing George Bush

    George Bush by Steve Bell

    The Guardian cartoonist looks back at his years drawing the outgoing US president

  9. 9. Masal Bugduv – the 16-year-old Moldovan prodigy who doesn't exist

    Simon Burnton: The bizarre story of how a non-existent Moldovan striker became one of the world's 50 hottest young footballing talents

  10. 10. Film review: The Wrestler

    Mickey Rourke's turn as 'The Ram' makes The Wrestler more than a standard sports film, says Peter Bradshaw

Last 7 days

  1. 1. Racist slur or army banter? What the soldiers say about Prince Harry's comments

    Response to Prince Harry's comments reflects differing attitudes towards racism within military

  2. 2. Naomi Klein: Enough. It's time for a boycott of Israel

    Naomi Klein: The best way to end the bloody occupation is to target Israel with the kind of movement that ended apartheid in South Africa

  3. 3. US Airways plane crash lands on Hudson river in New York

    Plane Crash in new York

    Pilot of US Airways jet avoids disaster and saves lives of 155 people by landing on Hudson River

  4. 4. George Monbiot: This is indeed a class war, and the campaign against the Aga starts here

    George Monbiot: Climate change allows the richest on earth to trash the lives of the poorest, no matter how Furedi's cult spins it

  5. 5. Video nasty: Prince Harry faces racism inquiry over footage of 'Paki' remark

    Condemnation for use of 'offensive' terms, including calling a cadet 'raghead', results in apology

  6. 6. Slumdog Millionaire could only have been made by a westerner

    Danny Boyle and Amitabh Bachchan

    Nirpal Dhaliwal: Danny Boyle's Bafta-nominated crowd-pleaser shows how blind Bollywood producers are to the reality of India

  7. 7. Avi Shlaim: How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe

    A wounded Palestinian policeman gestures

    Oxford professor of international relations Avi Shlaim served in the Israeli army and has never questioned the state's legitimacy. But its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating conclusions

  8. 8. Why Israel's war is driven by fear

    Chris McGreal reports on the hardening of political attitudes in Israel as the Gaza conflict continues

  9. 9. Richard Williams: Ronaldo trickery leaves boys in blue looking like a mangled wreck

    Cristiano Ronaldo

    Richard Williams: The winger irradiated a spirit of invention that would have done credit to any of football's famous free spirits

  10. 10. Russia blames US as EU gas supplies halt again

    Gazprom deputy chairman describes Ukraine as 'like a madman with a razorblade'