University of Washington Botanic Gardens

UWBG Photos Otis Douglas Hyde Herbarium Hackelia venusta, Rare Care & Conservation Elisabeth C. Miller Library Volunteers mulching at the Washington Park Arboretum Orin & Althea Soest Herbaceous Display Garden Youth Education at the Washington Park Arboretum


What's New at the Botanic Gardens

News from the gardens

pine coneArbor Eden pine coneGarden audio tours available

Winter Garden Tours

Winter flowers at the Arboretum

Enjoy the seasonal splendor of winter with a guided tour of historic Washington Park Arboretum. Stroll through the Winter Garden with a trained Arboretum guide while enjoying the fragrance of witch hazels and sarcococca and admiring the unusual bark and twigs in the collections. Available for groups of 10 or more. 60 to 90 minute tours are led by trained Arboretum guides. Fees are $4 per person ($3 for Arboretum Foundation members). To reserve a date, phone 206-543-8801



Arbor Eden

Support the Washington Park Arboretum and splash out at the Northwest Flower & Garden Show's Preview Gala, where you'll be among the first to see spectacular display gardens. Savor delicious food and wine, enjoy live music, and bid on your favorite items in an exciting silent auction. Patron- and Benefactor-level ticket holders also enjoy a champagne reception, plated dinner, and live auction.

Arbor Eden takes place on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, from 5 to 9 p.m. Tickets range from $100 to $500. Click here to purchase tickets or contact the Arboretum Foundation at 206-325-4510.

An image of headphones connected to a ginkgo leaf

NEW! Audio tours at UW Botanic Gardens

Explore the new Pacific Connections Garden, the Soest Garden, and more, with groundbreaking new audio tours. Each site -- the Arboretum and the Center for Urban Horticulture -- now offer an opportunity for visitors to hear from experts about the collections.

Visit the gardens anytime, anywhere by downloading the files for free. Don't have an MP3 player? Rent one with the tours already loaded at the Graham Visitors Center in the Arboretum or the visitors center in Merrill Hall. All proceeds benefit public education programs, including the audio tours! Click here to learn more or download the audio files.

What is University of Washington Botanic Gardens?

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aerial photo of UWBG
Aerial photo of UWBG; click for large image.