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photo of Lois Friedland

Lois Friedland Guide to Adventure Travel

Lois Friedland and her husband, Richard, live on a mountainside in Colorado, but just 35 minutes from the culture and nightlife in downtown Denver. She is a full-time freelance journalist and editor who specializes in travel. Lois loves to ski, golf, hike and travel to places where she can experience different cultures and enjoy sports in spectacular settings.


Lois' love of travel has taken her throughout the United States and to some 40 countries. She and her husband are constantly on the go. They are willing to travel anywhere in the world to experience new, memorable adventures. During Lois's career as a journalist she has focused on travel, skiing and golf for articles in many magazines, newspapers, websites and books. Lois taught skiing for many years, and she was western editor of SKI Magazine and co-owner/editor of the Snow Industry Letter, a subscription-only newsletter for the snowsports industry.


Lois earned a B.A. in English at the University of Michigan. She has real world experience traveling around the globe and pushing her personal boundaries through adventure travel.

From Lois Friedland:

Adventure travel encourages you to stretch your mind or your body--and often both--while having a wonderful time. It doesn't matter whether you are hiking up a 14,000-foot-high mountain in Colorado, swimming with dolphins in the Caribbean or floating over an African veld in a hot air balloon. What counts is the new ways you are seeing the world, making friends in foreign places and how you are pursuing your own definition of adventure travel. This site will make it easier for you to find and follow the adventure travels of your dreams.

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