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A Beginners Guide to Scientology

With the death of John Travolta’s son, Jett, bloggers and columnists have speculated that the family’s dedication to the Church of Scientology may have contributed to the tragedy. But before you jump to conclusions, find out all about what Scientologists do and do not believe.

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Religion vs. Equality: Catholic Attacks on Feminism

Thursday January 15, 2009
A couple of years ago, the Vatican released a statement on the nature of women as well as the relationship between women and men which purported to offer a "defense" of true feminism and an attack on "radical" feminism. According to the Vatican, it's necessary for men and women to...

Reader Question: Who Took Care of St. Joseph's Children?

Thursday January 15, 2009
In the comments on "Wordless Wednesday: The Flight Into Egypt," Charles Hodges writes: What I would like to know is, who took care of Joseph’s former children (whose mother died) when they left Judea for Egypt, and when were they picked up again to live with Joseph, Mary and Jesus? This question...

Weekly Poll: Where Will Religion Go Over the Next Millennium?

Thursday January 15, 2009
Religion has been with us for all of recorded history — probably for about as long as our species has existed and perhaps even before. Some aspects of religion have changed quite a bit while others seem to remain fairly constant. What direction might religion take over the next millennium...

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