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photo of N.S. Gill

N.S. Gill Guide to Ancient History since 1997

N.S. Gill is a Latinist and freelance writer with a longtime focus on the classical world.


In addition to writing about ancient history and classics for, NS has been interviewed by Public Radio and National Geographic on Valentine's Day and the Roman calendar. She has TA'd classes in the Age of Pericles, technical terms, Classical culture and mythology. She has also taught Latin.


N.S. Gill has a B.A. in Latin and an M.A. in linguistics at the University of Minnesota. She has also done graduate level coursework on classics at the University of Minnesota, writing two master's level papers, one on the misdating of an Oxyrhynchus papyrus and the other on Ovid as part of the program.

From N.S. Gill:

I hope to help spread the updated classical seed far abroad.

Media Contacts: email N.S. Gill

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