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Non-Resident Courses (EMI Courses Conducted by States)

G351 - Who's in Charge Here?: Exercise Ldrshp in Emerg or Disaster

The purpose of this 6-hour course is to prepare local elected government officials to lead and direct their jurisdiction in implementing comprehensive emergency management systems.  
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:  
• Exercise greater leadership in an emergency through a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities;  
• Develop emergency management policies and procedures for emergency management activities and implement necessary policies and procedures to respond to and recover from a disaster;  
• Initiate appropriate emergency management actions during a disaster;  
• Negotiate through the intergovernmental response system to obtain the required resources and assistance in an emergency;  
• Maximize gains for disaster recovery assistance through appropriate contacts and knowledge of available resources;  
• Understand the partnership among federal, state, and local governments;  
• Establish relationships and partnerships with other agencies and organizations (i.e., profit, not-for-profit, and business and industry) for effective emergency management response and recovery outcomes; and  
• Take actions to ensure citizen satisfaction during a disaster and build credibility before a disaster.  
Selection Criteria: Local elected officials (i.e., mayors, etc.).

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