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The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program
Interagency Coordination

Image showing the cover of the Interagency brochure. Links to interagency pdf.

The multi-faceted issues associated with naturally occurring methane hydrates demand a coordinated approach to studying (1) the potential of this resource as a U.S. fossil energy source, and (2) the possible hazards of tapping the resource.  The National Methane Hydrates R&D Act of 2000 requires the development of a national methane hydrate R&D program that utilizes the talents of federal, private, and academic organizations.

The brochure,  “Interagency Coordination on Methane Hydrates R&D” [PDF-8.24MB] , describes a new type of federally funded, collaborative program in basic science and technology R&D.  The goal is to efficiently use all of the resources at the Nation's disposal to maximize collaboration on hydrates R&D, avoid R&D duplication among member agencies, and ensure that no important questions are left unanswered. To help meet these, and other goals of the Methane Hydrate R&D Act, the Technical Coordination Team, which includes the BLM, DOE, DOI, MMS, NOAA, NRL, NSF, and USGS, has produced an "Interagency Roadmap for Methane Hydrate R&D." (PDF)

On September 29 - October 1, 2003, DOE and ChevronTexaco jointly sponsored a Methane Hydrate Conference and JIP workshop  for the exchange of information on on-going methane hydrate projects, including the Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Project. View Presentations

The "Participants" page of this website shows the participants in the national R&D program and provides links to their websites.