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Gas Separation Program Element

  Ion-Transport Membrane Oxygen Separation Modules

Ion-Transport Membrane Oxygen Separation Modules

Advanced gas separation research supported
by NETL offers the potential for substantial improvements in environmental and cost performance of gasification systems. These technologies will also enhance process efficiency. Numerous novel approaches are being investigated for O2, H2, and CO2 separation under varying operating conditions.

Oxygen Separation

A major program objective is the development of cost-effective oxygen-separation membranes. These can provide substantial cost reduction for O2 separation compared to conventional cryogenic methods. There are several major process advantages to using oxygen-blown gasifiers, and many existing and future gasification plants are or will be oxygen-blown. Since the air separation unit typically can be 12 to 15 percent of the capital cost of a plant, there is a substantial opportunity to improve the overall cost and efficiency of the plant with improved air separation technologies.

Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Separation

Improved H2 recovery and CO2 removal from the synthesis gas (syngas) product stream are also important. The gasification program, in concert with the Hydrogen and Clean Fuels program, is developing membranes and other novel methods for H2 recovery from gas streams that will minimize the cost and efficiency losses for H2 and CO2 separation. For more information on H2 and CO2 separation, go to the Hydrogen and Clean Fuels program web site. Click here to see the Hydrogen Posture plan.

Active Gas Separation Projects include the following:

  • A Synergistic Combination of Advanced Separation and Chemical Scale Inhibitor Technologies for Efficient Use of Impaired Water as Cooling Water in Coal-Based Power Plants
  • ITM Oxygen Technology for Integration in IGCC and Other Advanced Power Generation Systems
  • Scale-Up of Hydrogen Transport Membranes for IGCC and FutureGen Plants
  • Sorbents for Air Separation

Other program elements within Gasification Technologies include: