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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium (TBESC)

Task Order 14: Culturally appropriate TB education materials for leaders and staff of Hispanic service organizations

Task Order 14 seeks to develop culturally appropriate tuberculosis educational materials for leaders and staff of Hispanic service organizations. These materials, produced in both English and Spanish, will provide HSOs with information that addresses their specific cultural and educational needs about TB. The materials will also enable TB control programs to more effectively collaborate with HSOs in their efforts to eliminate tuberculosis.


University of North Texas at Fort Worth, TX

Study Objectives

  1. Develop culturally appropriate tuberculosis educational materials for leaders and staff of Hispanic service organizations (HSOs) to be used by state and local TB programs to enhance their partnership efforts with HSOs.

Study Design

In order to develop these materials in a targeted fashion, exploratory research and formative evaluation will be conducted to determine a) channels through which these leaders obtain health care information; b) leaders’ reactions to TB messages contained in a draft brochure; c) barriers to involvement in TB elimination efforts; and d) actions they are willing to take in TB elimination efforts. The information gathered from leaders and staff will be used to create material that will describe the following topics: TB burden among Hispanic population, latent TB infection, active TB disease, contact investigations, directly observed therapy, specific issues for Hispanic foreign-born and U.S.-born persons in the treatment and screening of TB, and practical recommendations on how HSOs can help decrease TB among their high-risk clients. Finally, a marketing plan will be developed to effectively disseminate this material to the appropriate audiences.

Study Progress

Focus groups were conducted in Spanish and English in Washington DC, El Paso, TX, Houston, TX, Phoenix, AZ and Los Angeles, CA to test materials. Educational materials were modified as a result of the focus groups and submitted to CDC for review. Materials will be finalized in summer 2007.

Last Modified: 07/25/2007

Last Reviewed: 05/18/2008
Content Source: Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


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Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
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