Department of Entomology
Michigan State University
Undergraduate Studies

undergraduate image

Contact Information

Undergraduate Information:
Dr. Walter Pett
(517) 353-7191

Dr. Chris DiFonzo
(517) 353-5328

Undergraduate Secretary:
Heather Lenartson-Kluge
(517) 355-4665


Undergraduate Program

Entomology is the field of biological science concerned with the study of insects and their relatives in relation to other animals, plants, and the environment. Since insects and their relatives affect so many human activities, and because they must be studied and managed in such a variety of environments, the entomologist needs a broad, basic education.


The undergraduate program in Entomology leads to the Bachelor of Science degree. The total program emphasizes the development of a sound education, with strengths in the physical and biological sciences necessary to work effectively in modern entomology. Courses are designed to give the student an understanding of the structure, classification, identification, function, biology, ecology, and management of beneficial and harmful insects, and the communities and ecosystems where they occur.


There are opportunities for undergraduate Entomology students to carry out research projects in many laboratories. Students may also gain work experience in the diverse areas of entomology through employment during the academic year and summer.  Internships and Study Abroad opportunities are also available, and strongly encouraged.


 Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree
1. University requirements:  The University requirements for bachelor's degrees as described in the Undergraduate Education section of the Academic Programs 2007-2009 Catalog; 120 credits, including general elective credits, are required for the Bachelor of Science degree in Entomology. The University's Tier II writing requirement for the Entomology major is met by completing Entomology 470 or 478. These courses are referenced in item 3.c. below.  Students who are enrolled in the Entomology major concentration may complete an alternative track to Integrative Studies in Biological and Physical Sciences by completing Entomology's mathematics and chemistry requirements and Biological Science 111.  These courses meet the laboratory requirement.
2. College Requirements:  The requirements of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the Bachelor of Science degree. The credits earned in certain courses referenced in requirement 3. below may be counted toward College requirements as appropriate.
3. Department Requirements:   
    a.  All of the following courses (35 credits):
BS 110 Organisms and Populations                                                                       4
BS 111 Cells and Molecules
CEM 141 General Chemistry  4
CEM 142 General and Inorganic Chemistry  3
CEM 161          Chemistry Laboratory I  1
CSE 101 Computing Concepts and Competencies   3
ENT 404 Fundamentals of Entomology  3
MTH 124 Survey of Calculus I  3
PHY 231  Introductory to Physics I  3 
PHY 232 Introductory to Physics II   3
PHY 251  Introductory Physics Laboratory I   1
PHY 252 Introductory Physics Laboratory II  1
  One of the following courses:  
MTH 126 Survey of Calculus II  3
STT 421  Statistics I   3
 b.  A minimum of 10 credits in courses in the Biological Sciences other than BS 110 and BS 111 as approved by student's academic adviser.
c.   One of the following courses (3 credits)
      ENT 470  General Nematology (W)
      ENT 478  Pest Management II: Biological Components of Management Systems (W)
 d.  A minimum of 12 additional credits in Entomology.