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2004 (English)

Bilateral investment agreements: Agents of new global standards for the protection of intellectual property rights? (303 kb)
Author: Carlos M. Correa Date: August 2004

This study was commissioned by GRAIN as an independent exploration into the implications of bilateral investment treaties, and free trade agreements with chapters on investment, in terms of international standards for the protection of intellectual property rights. GRAIN is making this study publicly available, through its website, as a resource for further research and analysis.

Translated into: Español

GM cotton set to invade West Africa - Time to act! (372 kb)
Author: GRAIN Date: June 2004

This briefing is the result of research undertaken by GRAIN in collaboration with several national and regional partners in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. GRAIN interviewed dozens of scientists, farmers and representatives of professional organisations from the cotton sector in each of these countries, and spent time with them reflecting on the significance of Bt cotton for their communities, their countries and West Africa in general. The briefing also draws heavily on the experiences of other countries where Bt cotton has already been introduced, such as India and South Africa. This briefing is designed to help farmers and local communities, researchers, NGOs, policy-makers and media people understand the implications of Bt cotton for West Africa.

Translated into: français  

The disease of the day: Acute treatyitis - The Myths and Consequences of free trade agreements with the US
Author: GRAIN Date: June 2004

This briefing describes some of the myths about free trade negotiations and agreements plus outlines the texts that are being imposed by the US - the country which is most agressively pushing for these bilateral deals.

Translated into: Español

Bt Cotton at Mali's Doorstep: Time to Act!
Author: GRAIN Date: February 2004

With the illicit introduction of Bt Cotton into Mali, GRAIN exposes the effect this will have on West Africa.

Translated into: français  


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