
Alzheimer's Research

Karen Largent

latest articles
Alzheimer's Research

Alzheimer's Disease - Passage Into Paradise - A Caregiver's Journey - PART FOUR

Part Four of a continuing series of articles detailing one woman's love and sacrifice in caring for her mother.

Passage Into Paradise - A Caregiver's Journey - PART THREE

The third installment of a moving account of caregiving and Alzheimer's Disease.

Passage Into Paradise - A Caregiver's Journey - PART TWO

The continuing story of one woman's journey through caregiving.

Passage Into Paradise - A Caregiver's Journey

A woman's acoount of the caregiving journey she embarked upon while caring for her mother,

Living Wills and Powers of Attorney for Health Care

Information on Living Wills and Durable/Enduring Powers of Attorney for Health Care. Important documents that can enable you and your loved ones to control end of life decisions. Web sites to help you learn more about them and how to go about getting them.

"What did the doctor say?" - Understanding Medical Terminology

Medical Language - What is the doctor saying?

Alzheimer's News and Message/Discussion Web Resources

Alzheimer's News and web addresses for Message/Discussion Boards about Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's and the Holidays

Tips and advice on getting through the holidays for those who care for an Alzheimer's sufferer.

Alzheimer's Disease - Nursing Homes: Choosing what's best.

Choosing a care facility for your loved one with Alzheimer's can be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. There are many things to consider and some checklists to help you decide in this article.

Huperzine A - Myth or Miracle?

Information about Huperzine A, a medicine used traditionally in China to reduce fever. Derived from a moss, this drug is being investigated for the treatment of Alzheimer's and memory loss.

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Alzheimer's Research


Alzheimer's Drugs - Part Two (5 msgs)

Recent AP news article:Antibiotics may help and maybe cure. (1 msgs)

Anti-inflamatory drugs and Alzheimer's disease (1 msgs)

Legal Matters - What you need to know (1 msgs)

Alzheimer Survival Kit (1 msgs)

Living Wills and Powers of Attorney for Health Care (3 msgs)

loss of smell as early signs of alzheimers diseasease (3 msgs)

Alzheimer's and the Holidays (6 msgs)

Non-Alzheimer's Dementias (4 msgs)

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