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Resources Resources

• Food crisis - documents and links on the current food crisis, including the rise in land grabbing by nations

• Agrofuels (biofuels) - documents, links and updates on the issues around agrofuels

• Bird flu - this page provides details of GRAIN publications, external documents and other resources on bird flu and their impact on small-scale farmers.

• Hybrid rice - a resource to help people track the push for hybrid rice and unmask the propaganda surrounding it.

• Bt cotton page - a resource tracking Bt cotton, a critical technology in the biotech industry's efforts to push GM agriculture around the world.

• Biodiversity rights legislation (BRL) A collection of emerging laws that directly affect people's control over agricultural biodiversity in developing countries.

• BIO-IPR - an electronic information service produced by GRAIN. Its purpose is to disseminate news and analysis about recent developments in the field of intellectual property rights (IPRs) related to biodiversity and associated knowledge, especially in developing countries.

Bilateral deals with TRIPS plus - Bilateral agreements imposing TRIPS-plus intellectual property rights on biodiversity in developing countries

• FAO - This page provides some of the articles or letters that have been written in relation to the FAO in the last few years.

• Multimedia - photos | videos

• 中国语文的文章 (Chinese language articles)

Links (1) | Links (2) | Links (3)

FFTA Partner websites

• - everything that's not happening at the WTO

• Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements

Growing Resistance

This section of the GRAIN website is devoted to on-the-ground initiatives and coalitions of people working to strengthen their control over livelihoods and biodiversity. It is GRAIN's intent to see this as a growing section. If you know of resources, groups or projects that fall within this area of interest and want them featured here, drop us a note at gr (at)

Asserting autonomy & sovereignty: To take food production from the hands of farmers and give it to a few corporations is more than an act of betrayal; it is plunder. Imposing what crops to grow and how to grow them for whom, not only ...

Confronting GM agriculture: 'GM agriculture' comes from the kind of 'agriculture' that uses genetically modified organisms. Actually a misnomer since it is nothing but industrial agribusiness. With GM there is no culture to spea...

Freedom from IPR: From the start, the extension of 'right' to protect 'intellectual creations' has been to ensure that the so-called 'inventor' gets to monopolise his 'invention'. Intellectual property rights – whether...


Archived resources

TRIPS-plus - focusing on how TRIPS-plus spreads patents and other intellectual property rights on life, from the seeds farmers sow to the genes of indigenous peoples.

TRIPS review - pulls together documents from and about the review of Article 27.3(b), taking place in the WTO TRIPS Council.

GM contamination - an information resource on the implications of GM contamination, seeking to support those working to reject GM crops. Includes The GM Tracker - Tracking GM developments in Asia and the Pacific.

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