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Capitol Hill Notifications

  Details for 01/04/2006

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Date 01/04/2006
Subject CMS Leads National Pharmacist Call to Assist with New Medicare Part D Procedures

CMS appreciates the key role pharmacists are playing in the implementation of the new Medicare Part D benefit. To be as supportive as possible of their efforts, we are sponsoring a technical briefing for pharmacists across the country tomorrow, January 5, at 12 PM EST. Please call 1-800-798-2796, passcode 51906156 to join the call.

Recognizing the current demands on pharmacists' time, the call will be limited to 30 minutes. Topics to be covered include procedures for verifying dual eligible enrollment and assuring they have access to needed medications.

We would greatly appreciate your help in notifying all interested parties as quickly as possible regarding this call. Please forward this notice to your congressional district or state offices and encourage them to distribute information about this call to local pharmacists, professional pharmacist groups and any other related groups.


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Last Modified Date : 01/05/2006
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