Department of Entomology
Michigan State University
Entomology Seminar Series


Seminars are at 4pm Mondays in Rm 244 Natural Science, unless otherwise noted. Snacks are provided at 3:45pm. Contact the host (in parentheses) for the speaker's schedule and to make an appointment.

September 15

 Ernest Delfosse, Dept of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Merritt)
"Risk analysis in biologcial control."

September 22 Xiao-Wen Cheng, University of Miami, Ohio. (Thiem)
"The search for host-range factors for baculovirususes for biocontrol of insects."
September 29 Larry Besaw, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Delfosse)**4PM Start in 204 Nat Sci**
"Thirty years in the outdoor classroom - entomology and the study abroad program."
October 6 Michael Chen, IR-4 NC Region Research Center, Michigan State University. (Hollingworth) 
"Outreach: Quality Assurance in IR-4"
October 13 Mike Brewer, Dept of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Delfosse)
"Is IPM a relevant, productive, and forward thinking discipline? (Promotion & Tenure seminar)
October 20 David Epstein, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Gut)
"This little piggie eats beetles, this little piggie eats apple scab: Integrating hogs for reduced-input, sustained orchard pest management."
October 22 Lacey Knowles, University of Michigan (Cognato/Hamm) EEBB** 3:30PM in 247 PBL**
"What the dynamics of speciation reveal about the when, where and why of an evolutionary radiation."
October 29 Anna Dornhaus, U. Arizona (Townsend-Mehler) EEBB, **3:30PM in 247 PBL**
"Collective problem-solving in social insects: adaption or constraint?"
November 3 George Bird, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Delfosse)
"Alternative World Views, with special reference to the nematodes of Michigan."
November 10

Jim Miller & Peter McGhee, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Isaacs)
"Kinetics of competitive attraction: insights from insect mating disruption."

November 17 No seminar, annual Entomology Society of America meeting
November 24 Gabe Ording, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University. 
"Scholarship in teaching: improving undergraduate science education at MSU." (Promotion Seminar)
 December 1  Anamaria Gomez-Rodas, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University. (Wise)
"A successful model for training blueberry growers and farm workers."

 For more information, contact Carolyn Lewis at
If you would like to print out our Fall semester schedule you can do so here.