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Saipan Tribune Subscription

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Armed robbery

Crime Stoppers is seeking the community's assistance for information on any of the person(s) responsible for the recent armed robbery at CYC Store in San Vicente or any of the armed robberies that occurred on Saipan:

Preliminary investigation revealed that on Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2008, two masked male individuals entered the C.Y.C. Store in San Vicente and demanded money from the store's cashier. Both suspects were armed with knives and were described as wearing brown long sleeved shirts and khaki-colored masks. When another employee of the store came to check up on the cashier, a third suspect armed with a blunt object struck the male employee on the chest. The suspects then fled east on foot with an undetermined amount of money and store merchandise. This case is still under investigation.

Anyone having information about these crimes, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 234-7272. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest. Caller ID is not used. All calls remain anonymous. (NMI Crime Stoppers)

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