Content SCM®

Infotrieve’s Content SCM is designed to manage content sourcing and delivery at the enterprise level for large companies.  This comprehensive system incorporates a full array of rights management and administration features, plus all of the document delivery and sourcing capabilities of Virtual Library™ 2.0.

The unique features within Content SCM are:

  • 360º View of Content Usage across the Enterprise:  Content SCM constructs a content usage record (at the end-user level) each time your company’s licensed content is accessed by an employee or is procured for delivery to someone outside of your company on its behalf.  This data can easily be aggregated by division, department, country, configurable end-user clusters, or groups.

  • Content Licensing Optimization:  Content SCM facilitates granular licensing of content for use at specific geographic locations, facilities, divisions, and departments based on historical usage and trends in usage.

  • Rights Administration:  By loading all of your company’s licensed rights into Content SCM you automate management and dissemination of your company’s content in a compliant manner. 

  • Copyright and Regulatory Compliance Auditing:  Contentc SCM constructs an audit trail each time your company’s licensed content is accessed by an end-user or a document is sent to someone outside of your company on its behalf.  These records detail: what content was accessed and by whom; the individual receiving the content; and the rights under which the content was accessed and disseminated.

Plus all Virtual Library™ 2.0 functionality including:

  • Order processing integration with virtually all search and discovery platforms such as PubMed, Ovid, Dialog, Data Star, Google Scholar and many others

  • The ability for end-users to browse up-to-date scientific, technical, and medical citations or titles sourced from over 130 publishers, PubMed, Thomson ISI, and

  • End-user self-service automation for ordering documents and tracking delivery.  The 'brain' of Virtual Library 2.0 is a fully automated citation parsing and recognition feature desighed to facilitate a two-way interaction with the end user in order to recognize the precise citation of interest.

  • Shopping cart functionality that allows end-users to see the cost of a document before placing an order

  • Access to an extensive body of scientific, technical, and medical literature via high-efficacy linking technology.  Documents can be sourced from a client’s collection of e-journals and e-books, proprietary document repositories, private print collections housed on-site or in Infotrieve’s STM Library, or from Infotrieve’s comprehensive body of literature available on a pay-per-view basis.

  • An extensive array of configurable work-flow management functions (including data import/export in a wide variety of formats) are built right in 

  • Data capture/reporting that provides clear insight into document usage activity to enable more informed subscription renewal decisions plus easy budget administration and charge-backs

Content SCM is a web based solution and all software resides on secure servers residing in Infotrieve’s data center. The system utilizes advanced web services to facilitate seamless integration with your company’s information center portal and incorporates advanced data import technology to facilitate easy-loading of content holdings and rights.


Download a PDF flyer on Content SCM.

 Large company enterprise solution

 Comprehensive rights administration

 Copyright and regulatory compliance audit trail

 360º view of content utilization across the enterprise

 Content licensing optimization at a granular level within the enterprise

 Incorporates all features of Infotrieve’s Virtual Library™ 2.0 platform

United States • Europe • Asia Pacific
Copyright © 2008 Infotrieve, Inc.