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Place-of-Origin Labeling

Country- and state-of-origin labeling laws allow consumers to choose food that originates within their state or country, thereby supporting local or national producers. Progress on national labeling laws has been slow. A country-of-origin labeling law for many food products was finally passed as part of the 2002 Farm Bill, but full implementation has been delayed until September 2006.

In the meantime, states have taken the initiative to put in place their own labeling laws. A 1979 Florida statute that requires country of origin labeling of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and honey was the first in the U.S. Many states require all meat retailers to clearly label imported meat with the country of origin, including Wyoming, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana.

State-of-origin labeling allows consumers to support their state’s agricultural economy. The Florida law allows "Produced in Florida" labels, as do laws in South Dakota and Minnesota among others. California has a law, similar to place-of-origin laws in European countries, that regulates the content of wines labeled with Napa Valley place names.

Some laws are primarily focused on food safety. A Maine labeling law passed in 1989 requires country of origin labeling of any produce imported from countries with pesticide standards lower than the U.S regulations.


  • Country-of-Origin Labeling
    While proposed national country-of-origin labeling rules move forward slowly, states have taken the initiative. Wyoming followed the lead of Kansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota in passing a statute requiring all meat retailers to clearly label imported meat with the country of origin. Other states have passed similar laws, such as a 1979 Florida statute that requires country of origin labeling of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and honey, and allows "Produced in Florida" labels. More...
  • State-of-Origin Labeling
    With studies showing that consumers overwhelmingly favor country-of-origin labeling (such as the 1996 national study by Charlton Research Company of San Francisco, which showed that 74 percent support the labeling for fresh produce), many growers feel this logic can be extended to state-of-origin. Indeed, country- and state-of-origin labeling may be a first step towards relocalizing our food supply. Minnesota's rules covering its Minnesota Grown program can be duplicated around the country. More...
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