Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

the issues


Public HealthImpact on Rural CommunitiesEnvironmentAnimal Health & Well-being









March 21, 2006         Meeting #1       Washington, D.C.   

June 26-28, 2006     Meeting #2       Des Moines, Iowa             

Sept. 10-12, 2006     Meeting #3       Washington, D.C. 

Nov. 1-3, 2006           Meeting #4       Northern California

Feb. 12-14, 2007      Meeting #5       Fayetteville, Arkansas 
Public Meeting Participants & Presentations  click hereclick here

April 9-11,  2007       Meeting #6       Durham, North Carolina
Public Meeting Participants  click hereclick here
Public Meeting Audio click hereClick Here  (Real Player required) *Free Download
Video click hereclick here
June 4-6, 2007          Meeting #7       Fort Collins, Colorado

Sept. 10-12, 2007     Meeting #8       Minneapolis, Minnesota

Nov. 12-14, 2007      Meeting #9       Kansas City, Missouri

Jan. 4-5, 2008           Meeting #10     Washington, D.C.

Jan. 30, 2008            Congressional Briefing #1     Antimicrobial Resistance

Feb. 29, 2008            Congressional Briefing #2     Environment/Farm Waste

March 13, 2008         Congressional Briefing #3     Economics/Rural Communities

April 2, 2008              Congressional Briefing #4     Animal Welfare

April 11, 2008            Congressional Briefing #5     Public Health

April 29, 2008            Final Report & Recommendations Released

Photographs Courtesy of USDA
Copyright © 2006 The Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production. All rights reserved.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health