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  HOT ANIMATIONS image (excellent materials for outreach)
Monsoon, Westerly
Wind Bursts, and etc.

Hawaii Wake
Catalina Eddy
Tropical Instability Waves

Note: Please contact Dr. Tim Liu at (818)354-2394 for permission to download and use any of the animations and figures. Higher quality digital files and videotapes are also available.

  COOL IMAGES (excellent materials for outreach)
NASA's Satellites Find Balance in South America's Water Cycle
Orography Organizes Monsoon Rain
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NASA's QuikScat Monitors Increased Storm Activity
Hawaiian Wake
Global Coverage and Detailed Structure of Hurricane Floyd
Wind-Ice Interaction Viewed by QuikSCAT
Three Hurricanes Threaten the U.S.

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Monsoon Wind and Flood Index
Hurricane Floyd
Tropical Instability Wave
Early Detection of Hurricane
Thermal Forcing

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Wind Forcing
Cloud Forcing
Hydrologic Forcing
1994 El Niño?

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Global Winds
Greenhouse Warming
Wind-Ice Interaction

image image image
Ice Dynamics
Monsoon Dynamics
El Niño Watch

Team Leader: Tim Liu
Last Updated: 12 Sep 2006
JPL Clearance: CL 03-0447
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