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Public Comment

The public comment period for the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report closed on June 4, 2004.The Commission received comments from 800 interested stakeholders and other technical experts during the comment period. The vast majority of public commenters thanked the Commission for its hard work, praised the report as comprehensive and balanced, and voiced their support for implementation of the recommendations. While many were supportive of the report’s major themes and recommendations, a significant number of commenters highlighted areas of concern. A summary of public comments on the Preliminary Report was distributed at the Commission’s public meeting on July 22, 2004. The public comments on the Preliminary Report which were received electronically are available on this website as part of the Public Comment Archive.

As a result of comments from governors and the public, some text and recommendations in the report were revised. To view a summary of significant revisions to the Preliminary Report, click here. To find out more about next steps for the Commission, please see our home page.

Public Comment Archive

The public comments received by the Commission at its public meetings, the general public comments received prior to the release of the Preliminary Report on April 20, 2004, and the public comments received on the Preliminary Report are available via the links below.

Comments by Regional Meetings Archive

General Comments Archive

Public Comments on the Commission’s Preliminary Report


Revised October 27, 2004 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
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Public Comments on the Commission's Preliminary Report