NFF Partners with iGPS to Help Restore our Nation's Forests

October 13, 2008

iGPS contributions will result in the planting of over 100,000 new trees in National Forests
Intelligent Global Pooling Systems (iGPS Company LLC), operator of the world’s first all-plastic pallet pool with embedded RFID tags, announced that it has entered into a partnership with the National Forest Foundation (NFF). Under the partnership, iGPS will make a contribution to the NFF every time an iGPS pallet is rented over the next two years, a sum that will lead to the planting of at least 100,000 new seedlings in the U.S.

“Deforestation is one of the most ecologically-damaging phenomena occurring today, with devastating impacts on our climate, our wildlife and our health,” said Bob Moore, chief executive officer of iGPS. “As a company built on sustainability and smart environmental practices, preservation and restoration of our nation’s forests is an important issue for us. We are proud of our innovative plastic pallets and our partnership with NFF as we continue to take a leadership position in the supply chain and logistics industry.”

The iGPS campaign will help restore many of our nation’s forests including Southern California’s San Bernardino National Forest, where a recent wildfire severely burned nearly 15,000 acres. Trees planted through the iGPS/NFF partnership will help absorb carbon and revitalize this landscape, which provides critical habitat for wildlife, fresh water resources, and outdoor recreation for millions of visitors.

“Of all the hardwood logged in the United States, 40 percent is used for pallets which are frequently used only once and then landfilled. Wood pallets are heavy, bulky, and increase shipping costs and energy used in transportation,” said NFF President Bill Possiel. “We are proud to work with iGPS to restore our forests and reduce demand for hardwood species, which sequester carbon and provide many other ecosystem benefits.”

A recent independent life cycle analysis documented that iGPS’ all-plastic pallet is environmentally superior to the typical multi-use wood pallet on every recognized dimension. Shippers who make the switch from wood pallets to iGPS help reduce large quantities of greenhouse gas emissions as well as curtail deforestation. More information on the life cycle analysis comparing the environmental impact of multiuse wood pallets vs. iGPS all-plastic pallets can be found at

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