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Saipan Tribune Subscription

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Commonwealth might be small and off the beaten path, but it's actually an easy place to do business. I'm talking about the business-to-business realm. Most business are informal, able to get things done, and able to communicate effectively. It can, actually, spoil us. ....full story

Reduced budgets, four day work weeks, and layoffs are the realities that have many people concerned about their jobs and their paycheck. If you're a business owner, you have probably had to cut some costs to stay competitive. There's nothing wrong with cutting waste and efficiency, but in the history of the world, no business has ever made a fortune by simply cutting costs. ....full story

Because the CNMI is in a unique political union with the Unites States, it is not an independent nation and thus does not have its own official foreign policy and does not exchange ambassadors with any of the world's 194 sovereign nations.....full story


The only way to take control of your life, raise your standard of living and move beyond merely surviving is to create your own unique product or service that you offer to increasing numbers of people in exchange for the things of value that you desire. This simple formula applies to countries as well as people. A self-sufficient economy has its own products or services of value to export to the world. Similarly, a self-sufficient individual has something of value to exchange in the global marketplace. That thing of value is based on your natural talent, skill, or interest-in other words, your passion!....full story

Today's school environment is a mix of old and new thinking. Old: discipline must be certain, effective, and strict. New: no child must be left behind and schools must be held accountable if such is not the case. How to meld these two realities is the question. Schools are caught in a Catch-22.....full story

The Northern Marianas Trades Institute needs your help. In addition to all the wonderful support it is receiving from the community, it needs the help from people with skills and time to help the students fulfill their goals. Though it has fine instructors and willing students, NMTI needs more instructors and people's special aid in several areas. Let me explain.....full story

As news of President Bush's declaration of three marine monuments made its way across the nation, toward the Pacific Ocean and to our islands, I am compelled to reflect on the odyssey-like experience, which ended in the signing of the declaration Tuesday last week.....full story

My congratulations go out to all those people who supported the monument idea and, equally, to all those who questioned, challenged and opposed the idea. Every great idea must travel its path from a seed of thought through the rigors of debate and be allowed to grow and adapt into a workable and attainable result. Ultimately, as with all great ideas, the path reveals itself and so does the next step. It has taken many hours, days, weeks, and endless discussions and efforts at public education, but here we are and President Bush has honored our people and their efforts by declaring a Marianas Trench Marine National Monument.....full story

The Dale Carnegie organization conducts a series of expensive seminars for participants who want to improve their management skills. I recall in particular one of the tenets of their instruction being, “You must have earned the right to speak to a group.” Meaning, of course, that before one addresses an audience through a public forum-and in doing so occupy their time and attention-one must have something valuable to offer. Interesting advice to remember. ....full story

Saipan has experienced this lesson in economics, though it has never learned it: Destruction follows delusion. Personally, I'd like to see construction follow coherence, but it's not up to me to determine such things for the Commonwealth. ....full story



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