
Showing occurrences for all species of the genus Mimosa (Google Earth)

This demo shows how to find and download placemarks for all the species that are included in a genus (the example uses the plant genus Mimosa), and then see them on a map using the Internet global visualization tool "Google Earth".

First, download and install Google Earth. Go to the Google Earth download site for files and instructions.

For more information on using the Google Earth interface, consult the Google Earth User Guide.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Enter "mimosa" into the search box on the Data Portal.
  2. From the search results page, click on the "Genus: Mimosa" (classified as Plantae -- Magnoliophyta -- Magnoliopsida -- Fabales -- Fabaceae -- Mimosa) to open the Overview Page for the plant genus Mimosa.
  3. In the "Actions for Mimosa box, click on "Placemarks for Google Earth" in the "Download" section.
  4. Open the downloaded file with the Google Earth application.
  5. Use the clickable interface or the tools in upper right hand corner of Google Earth display to adjust the rotation, tilt and zoom of the image. Rotate the Google Earth display to view the United States of America. Zoom in to the level at which species names are displayed.
  6. Saving placemarks:
    1. To save the placemarks for the entire genus, right-click on "GBIF Data Portal Occurrence Search" in the Places pane and select "Save to My Places".
    2. To save the place marks for an individual species, right-click on the species name and select "Save to My Places".
  7. The check-boxes in the Places pane of the left-hand sidebar of the Google Earth interface can be used to turn on and off the display of individual species. Scroll down in the pane to find Mimosa nuttallii. Click the check box to the left of the name to turn the display of the species off. Choose other species to turn off (or on).
  8. Click on any individual icon on the map.
    1. If the icon represents a single data record, a dialog box will open that gives information on the data provider, and a "portal URL" for the record represented by the icon.
    2. If the icon represents multiple data records, a branching diagram will appear with single-record icons at the tips of the branches. Click on one of these.
  9. Click on the "portal URL" in the dialog box, and an Internet browser pane will open at the bottom of the Google Earth window that shows the GBIF portal Occurrence Search Detail View page for the record selected.