
Comparing seasonal distributions for Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

A person interested in birds might wish to know where the swallow that nests in his barn in spring and summer goes during the winter. This example shows how to map records made at different times of the year to answer the question.

  1. Enter "barn swallow" into the search box on the Data Portal.
  2. Click on "Species: Hirundo rustica (English: Barn Swallow)" in the Common names section of the search results page to open the species' Overview Page.
  3. Click "Explore occurrences" in the Actions for Hirundo rustica section to open the Occurrence Search page for Hirundo rustica.
  4. In order to limit the search to occurrences recorded during a particular season, build a filter for a month. Select "Month" from the drop-down menu below "Add search filter". Select "January" from the drop-down menu that provides month options for the filter, and click the "Add filter" button.
  5. Add another filter for "Coordinate status" is "Includes coordinates".
  6. Add another filter for "Coordinate issues" is "No issues detected".
  7. Click the Search button to retrieve the filtered results.
  8. Click "View records on map" in the "Actions" section to open a page with a map displaying occurrences of barn swallows recorded in January.
  9. Right-click on "Change your current search" to open the Occurrence Search page for Barn Swallows in a new browser window or tab. Keep the January map open in the original tab or window.
  10. In the new instance of the Occurrence Search page, click the "minus" sign next to "Month is January" to remove this filter from the search.
  11. Add a new "Month" filter for "July" and click the "Search" button to retrieve new results.
  12. Click "View records on map" in the "Actions" box to open a page with a map for July occurrences of barn swallows.
  13. Comparison of the January and July maps shows the northern and southern ends of the barn swallow's migratory path.