
Finding information on Ecuadorian plants

There are many reasons a person might want to have a list of species of a particular group of organisms that occur in his or her country. In this case, the person is from Ecuador, and he is interested in the plants of his country. Here is how he can get a list:

  1. Enter "Ecuador" into the search box on the Data Portal.
  2. Select Ecuador from the Countries section on the search results page to go to the Overview Page for Ecuador.
  3. Click on "Explore occurrences" in the Actions for Ecuador section to open the Occurrence Search for records from Ecuador.
  4. In order to limit the search to records of plant species, add a filter for classification. Select Classification from the drop-down menu below Add search filter to open the classification wizard.
  5. Click "Kingdom:Plantae" to expand the tree from the selected node. This will create a filter for "Classification includes Kingdom:Plantae."
  6. Click the Add Filter button to add the filter that is currently displayed. The new filter will appear in the Your current search section.
  7. Click the Search button to apply the new filter to the search.
  8. Click "Species included in results" in the "Actions" box to retrieve a list of plant species for which occurrence records from Ecuador can be accessed through the GBIF data portal.
  9. Clicking on the name of a species in the list will open the Species Overview Page, which provides global information for the species.
  10. Click "View occurrences of ..." to view occurrence records for the given species from within Ecuador.