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Country Store Books
Books for the Country Way of Life

Jump start your farm with new knowledge. Direct marketed crops and livestock put more profit in your pocket. Make your small farm pay. Country Store Books has the books you need! HURRY! Supplies of some books may be limited.

Highly Recommended!


Making Your Small Farm Profitable
Ron Macher, 288 pages, paperback.
A practical step-by-step guide to operating a small farm in the new millennium examines 20 alternative farming enterprises. Readers will learn how to target niche markets and maximize net profits per acre. The best way to plan and start your small farm. If you would like Ron to sign the book, print the recipient’s name and the message you would like included. $19.95


Sustainable Capitalism
John Ikerd, 222 pages, paperback.
For a new economics of sustainability, social, and ethical values must be reintegrated into capitalist economics...this book shows how. $21.95


Joel Salatin Books
Joel is an excellent writer—his books talk about making a sustainable, profitable family farm, and the livestock to do it with:

Family Friendly Farming
402 pages, paperback. $30.00

Pastured Poultry Profits
380 pages, paperback. $35.00

Salad Bar Beef
378 pages, paperback. $35.00

You Can Farm
480 pages, paperback. $35.00


The Biological Farmer
Gary F. Zimmer, 365 pages, paperback.
A safe and sustainable system designed to obtain optimum production; reduce input costs, improve and balance the soil and improve livestock health. $25.00

People Sustaining the Land
Cynthia Vagnetti, 118 pages, large paperback.
An excellent look at sustainable farmers and ranchers across the U.S. Inspirational and beautiful. $19.95

Successful Small-Scale Farming. Revised Edition
Karl Schwenke, 144 pages, large paperback.
A classic guide to organic small-scale agriculture: soils machinery, crop choice, skills, and marketing. $14.95

Field and Garden

Carrots Love Tomatoes
Louise Riotte, 222 pages, paperback.
Guide to companion planting for successful gardening. $14.95

Cold-Climate Gardening
Lewis Hill, 320 pages, paperback.
Guide to extending growing season by at least 30 days and gardening in northern climes. $16.95

Deer Proofing Your Yard & Garden, 2nd Edition
Rhonda Massington Hart, 207 pages, paperback.
Solid in-depth advice on eliminating the presence of deer. $14.95

The Gardener’s Bug Book
Barbara Pleasant, 156 pages, paperback.
The health-conscious gardener’s guide to safely controlling garden pests. $14.95

The Gardener’s Weed Book
Barbara Pleasant, 205 pages, paperback.
The health-conscious gardener’s guide to organic control of weeds. $14.95

Grass the Forgiveness of Nature
Gene Logsdon, 332 pages, paperback.
Exploring the miracles of grass, pastures, and grassland farming. $25.00

Growing and Using Herbs Successfully
Betty E.M. Jacobs, 235 pages, paperback.
How to grow, harvest, and use 64 herbs. $19.95

Growing Great Garlic
Ron L. Engeland, 220 pages, paperback.
Definitive garlic grower’s guide for small and organic farmers. Variety selection, history, soils, raising and care, storage, and marketing. $14.95

1995 Supplement to Growing Great Garlic
Ron L. Engeland, 32 pages, paperback.
More and updated information on garlic varieties. $2.00

Hands-On Agronomy, Revised Edition
Neil Kinsey, 414 pages, paperback.
Learn to understand soil fertility and balance soil nutrition for maximum yield. $30.00

How to Grow Top Quality Corn
Dr. Harold Willis, 64 pages, paperback.
Fertilizing, harvesting, storage and improving the quality of your corn. $10.00

How to Grow World Record Tomatoes
Charles Wilber, 144 pages, paperback.
Detailed step-by-step instructions to grow incredible organic tomatoes. $14.95

The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook
Philip A. Wheeler and Ronald B. Ward, 256 pages, paperback.
An integration of organic farming, Albrecht-style soil fertility balanceing, Reams-method soil, plant testing and analysis, and other alternative technologies. $25.00

Pruning Made Easy
Lewis Hill, 223 pages, large paperback.
A gardener’s visual guide to whrn and how to prune everything, from flowers to trees. $19.95

Saving Seeds
Marc Rogers, 192 pages, paperback.
Guide to growing, selecting, and storing vegetable and flower seeds. $12.95

Tips for the Lazy Gardener, Revised
Linda Tilgner, 143 pages, paperback.
Hundreds of timesaving tips and routines to produce better vegetables and herbs with less work and more pleasure. $11.95

Weeds, Control Without Poisons, 2nd Edition
Charles Walters, 368 pages, paperback.
Holistic, eco-centered approach to contolling weeds. $25.00


Harvest, Storage, and Cooking

For $19.95:

Raising Horses by Heather Smith Thomas, 512 pages

Training Horses by Heather Smith Thomas, 512 pages

Alternative Livestock/Care

Homeopathy for the Herd
C. Edgar Sheaffer DVM, 322 pages, paperback.
Homeopathic veterinary care of cattle. $24.00

SALE! It’s a Jungle Out There
Pat Hoctor, 93 pages, paperback.
A collection of humorous misadventures and learning experiences of alternative livestock owners, compiled by the publisher of Animal Finder’s Guide. $5.00

Natural Cattle Care
Pat Coleby, 227 pages, paperback. $20.00

Natural Goat Care
Pat Coleby, 383 pages, paperback. $25.00

Natural Horse Care
Pat Coleby, 179 pages, paperback. $20.00

Natural Sheep Care
Pat Coleby, 228 pages, paperback. $25.00

Alternative farming and husbandry techniques that incorporate effective natural practices to maximize animal health and productivity.

Reproduction & Animal Health
Charles Walters and Gerald Fry, 236 pages, paperback.
How to select, breed, and manage a herd for health and performance on grass. $24.00


How to Build Animal Housing
Carol Ekarius, 270 pages, large paperback.
Plans for sheds, coops, hutches, barns, windbreaks, and shade structures, plus evaluating animal housing needs. $24.95

How to Build Small Barns & Outbuildings
Monte Burch, 288 pages, large paperback.
Construction techniques, materials, and plans for over 20 barns and outbuildings. $18.95

Monte Burch’s Pole Building Projects
Monte Burch, 206 pages, large paperback.
Construction techniques and plans for 25 garden structures, barns, sheds, and shelters. $18.95

Timber Frame Construction
Jack Sobon and Roger Schroeder, 208 pages, large paperback.
A practical book on post-and-beam building. $19.95


Minerals for the Genetic Code
Charles Walters, 323 pages, paperback.
The connection between the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of minerals and subatomic particles, and a discussion of specific minerals that govern each entry in the genetic code. $25.00

Best of Missouri Hands Volume 2
156 pages, large paperback.
A catalog featuring 154 Missouri artisans and their handcrafted products. $11.95

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