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Crawfish Production Manual
[Image: crawfish manual]

Commercial sales of crawfish in Louisiana date back to the late 1800s, and today's crawfish industry includes millions of pounds harvested from farms and natural habitats in the state. This publication covers a wide range of topics on crawfish production, including crawfish biology, pond design, forage management, stocking, water quality, harvesting, marketing and much more.

Crawfish News, Nov 2008
November 2008 Crawfish News. This newsletter covers oxygen demand in crawfish ponds, dip-net sampling of crawfish populations, an introduction to crawfish population dynamics, and trap density and spacing recommendations.

Special Edition Newsletter - Hurricane Ike and Storm Water
This special additional newsletter discusses storm water management in your crawfish ponds associated with Hurricane Ike. Brief information on federal insurance programs is included and the new date of the La. Crawfish Farmers Association annual membership drive.

Crawfish News, September 2008 (Vol 1, No 5)
September 08 Crawfish News. This newsletter addresses fall flooding considerations, storm water management, pumping efficiency and energy cost, and relationship of temperature and crawfish growth.

Rains from Hurricane Gustav cause problems for Louisiana crawfish
(Distributed 09/05/08) Rain resulting from Hurricane Gustav across the crawfish-producing parishes of Louisiana may cause problems for crawfish producers, according to LSU AgCenter aquaculture specialists Greg Lutz and Mark Shirley.
Crawfish News, July 2008 (Vol 1, No 4)
July 2008. This newsletter has information on late-summer planting and management of crawfish forage crops, control measures for fall army worms, a brief overview on crawfish reproduction and an annoucement for an upcoming survey on crawfish production economics.
Crawfish in the Classroom
This 1987 five-page article, written by Jay V. Huner and James E. Barr and published by the Louisiana Sea Grant Program, provides basic biological information on crawfishes, including taxonomy, anatomy, basic physiology, ecology and maintaining crawfish in aquaria for classroom activities. The material is suitable for high school-level biology.
Crawfish Lesson Plan K-8th, High School Lab
Teachers' resource manual, based on grade level expectations (GLE), using crawfish as the subject model to provide teaching materials for the subject areas of English, Math, Science and Social Studies from grades kindergarden through 8th grade, and high school science laboratory excercises.
Louisiana Crawfish Industry Wholesale Prices, 1997-2007
This table provides industry statistics, including dock-side price per pound, for Louisiana farm-raised and wild crawfish. Source of statistics is the Louisiana Summary, Agriculture & Natural Resources, years 1997 through 2007.
Reducing Crawfish Pumping Costs [Image: Pump Curve]
Farming crawfish requires pumping water. Pumping water costs money. Although there is really no way to get around these facts, we can take action to minimize pumping costs.
Crawfish News, May 2008 (Vol 1, No 3)
May 2008 Crawfish News. This newsletter provides information on forage planting, liming crawfish ponds, and stocking new, existing, and recently renovated ponds.
Economic Impact of Crawfish on Rice in a Rice/Crawfish Rotation [Image: Rice/Crawfish Rotation]
This report evaluates the economic impact of crawfish as a rotational crop on the rice enterprise, indentifying specific costs imposed on the rice enterprise unique to crawfish production and presenting relevant economic principles in the assignment of production costs to alternative farm enterprises from a farm accounting perspective.
Crawfish News, March 2008 (Vol 1, No 2)
March 2008 Crawfish News. This newsletter covers information on springtime pond oxygen management, supplemental feeding, growth of crawfish, handling and care of crawfish, white spot syndrome virus update, and legal considerations in shipping crawfish.
Measuring Oxygen in Crawfish Ponds
This fact sheet provides information on chemical test kits and meters for measuring oxygen, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and a list of vendors where oxygen-measuring kits or meters can be purchased.