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 Home | Conceptual Model for Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Integrated Science - Reports

Model | Components | Water & Sediment Quality | Hydrodynamics |
Ecosystem Structure & Function | Geology & Geomorphology

Reports: Conceptual Model for Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Integrated Science
  Reports are listed by estuarine category.
  Please click individual estuarine system component to view all reports in that category.  
Conceptual model for Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Integrated Science

Conceptual Model

Critical issues and information needs common to all Gulf of Mexico estuarine research efforts were identified through a series of meetings, workshop presentations and discussions involving representatives from all participating agencies including the EPA’s National Estuary Program, and USGS Chesapeake Bay project.

These issues can be categorized under four estuarine system components:

  1. Geology and Geomorphology,
  2. Ecosystem Structure and Function,
  3. Hydrodynamics, and
  4. Water and Sediment Quality and include the following (Continued)

Model | Components | Water & Sediment Quality | Hydrodynamics |
Ecosystem Structure | Geology & Geomorphology

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
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