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 Home | Tampa Bay Study | Data | Task 1: Mapping - Bathymetry - Lidar
Tampa Bay Study: Data > Task 1: Mapping > Bathymetry - LiDAR
Contact: Dave Zawada
USGS Florida Integrated Science Center, 600 4th Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Lidar Collection: Plane, GPS satellites, Digital Camera and GPS base station
Lidar Collection: The NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL) collected georectified digital aerial photographs and high-resolution lidar data over Assateague Island. The instrument uses a green laser and a raster scanning mechanism to acquire lidar data. Researchers set up a GPS base station to precisely locate the position of the aircraft and the data it collected.
(View enlargement)
Lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) is a method of detecting distant objects and determining their position or other characteristics by analysis of pulsed laser light reflected from their surfaces. Lidar works on the same principle as RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging), but lidar uses light waves emitted by a laser (rather than radio waves) to gather data. In its simplest form, lidar is used to determine the distance from the laser to a given object. More sophisticated lidar systems can provide information such as sea-surface roughness, wind velocity, and vegetation density.

Airborne Lidar is now being applied in coastal environments to produce accurate, high resolution, cost-efficient bathymetric and topographic datasets. The USGS Tampa Bay Study is using the NASA EAARL (Experimental Airborne Advanced Research Lidar) to measure both the bathymetry and topography of important areas of the bay and its shoreline. The data will be used to develop hydrodynamic and sediment transport models.

NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of Tampa Bay study sites.
NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of Tampa Bay study sites.
Select individual study site to view enlarged detailed map.
View enlargement of above map.
Study Sites: GeoTIFF: GIF:
Terra Ceia Bay 11.6 MB 66.7 KB
Cockroach Bay 10.4 MB 124.4 KB
Pelican Cove 11.9 MB 130.9 KB
Hillsborough Bay 11.3 MB 170.8 KB
Old Tampa Bay 7.7 MB 61.4 KB
Feather Sound 6.1 MB 63.1 KB
Coquina Key 4.6 MB 60.2 KB
Pinellas Point 3.0 MB 80.6 KB

The above datasets are in GeoTIFF format.
To view them, you will need GIS software.

Commercial Software:
Global Mapper, ESRI ARC,

Free Software: GRASS GIS

A GIF image of the GeoTIFF file,
with a background layer showing
the location of the lidar data, has been provided.

New! Topobathymetric Data for Tampa Bay, Florida, incorporating EAARL lidar data, available 05/08/2007

Please search the Tampa Bay Digital Library for additional products and data files.

Related Links:

NASA Web site: Earth Observatory - Lidar: In the Wake of the Storm

USGS Sound Waves Article on EAARL Lidar - NASA EAARL Lidar Test at Wallops Flight Facility

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
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Comments or questions? Contact: Renee Koenig - Webmaster or 727-803-8747 ext. 3125
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This page last revised: Monday, April 07, 2008 @ 05:02 PM  (RRK)
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View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of the Pinellas Point area in Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of Coquina Key area in Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of the Feather Sound area in Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of Old Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of the Hillsborough Bay area in Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of the Pelican cove area in Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of Terra Ceia Bay area in Tampa Bay.View NASA EAARL Lidar coverage of Cochroach Bay in Tampa Bay.