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Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI)

ANLA and HRI partner with the Society of American Florists (SAF) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) to focus federal research dollars on critical industry issues through the Floriculture & Nursery Research Initiative (FNRI). The FNRI represents a strong focused collaborative effort between industry, ARS scientists, and existing "university centers of excellence" with experience with the industry's needs. FNRI dollars are flowing to support research on urgent emerging pest and disease problems, invasive plant species, -labor issues, and improved environmental and resource management.

Bob Lyons owner of Sunleaf Nursery, Madison, OH, represented the industry at a USDA specialty crop listening session in October 2005. "The nursery and greenhouse industry-ARS partnership is excellent and productive", said Lyons. "We do think this Initiative represents a model for the futureā€¦ARS must determine how to back the success and promise of this Initiative by including it in the administration's annual budget request to Congress," he added.

Interestingly, only about one-half of one percent of the research budget of the USDA-ARS directly supports the nursery and landscape industry. In 2007, Congress appropriated $6.25 million to the FNRI.

For detailed information on FNRI projects and presentations visit the FNRI website at FNRI.



American Nursery & Landscape Association, 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC  20005-4914  USA, Tel:202/789-2900, Fax: 202/789-1893