About SWS

Mission, and Goals

The mission of the Society of Wetland Scientists is to promote understanding, scientifically based management, and sustainable use of wetlands.
Our specific goals as outlined in the 2005-2010 strategic plan are to:

  • Promote basic and applied wetland research of high quality
  • Support wetland education and public awareness of wetlands
  • Provide forums to disseminate the latest scientific results
  • Promote science-based stewardship of wetlands
  • Encourage incorporation of sound wetland science into policy
  • Foster the international scope of wetland science and SWS
  • Ensure that the growth and evolution of SWS are sustainable

The strategic plan explains how these goals are being implemented. It can be found in the Policy & Procedures Manual on this website.

Benefits of Membership

Past-president Barbara Bedford has outlined several benefits to being a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists:

  • The top journal in our field, Wetlands, published four times a year
  • Outstanding annual Society meetings and additional chapter activities
  • A quarterly Society Bulletin with news of the Society and views of its members
  • A voice in Washington DC on matters of wetland science and policy through our affiliation with the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)
  • A forum for exchange of information between managers and scientists
  • Access to a website that provides a jobs board, information about training courses and workshops, news about the Society, information about college wetland programs, and a forum for members to reach out to others who need our knowledge and assistance, as we did immediately following Hurricane Katrina
  • A lively and engaged network within which to mentor the next generation of wetland professionals
  • An active grants program for wetlands students and another program to help scientists in developing countries initiate membership in SWS
  • A reduced rate on subscriptions to the journal Wetlands Ecology and Management
  • An active awards program that recognizes outstanding wetland scientists, outstanding service to the profession, and outstanding student papers at our annual meeting
  • A means of formal and informal outreach to wetland colleagues around the world