AACN Board of Directors

AACN is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors, each of whom represents a member institution. The Association has standing committees on Government Affairs, Membership, Programs, and other areas of AACN operations; maintains task forces on such professional concerns as faculty development; and sponsors interest groups in six areas of nursing education, practice, and scholarship.

C. Fay Raines, President
The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Kathleen Potempa, President-elect
University of Michigan

Eileen Breslin, Treasurer
University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio


Jane Kirschling, Secretary
University of Kentucky

Janet Allan, Member-at-large
University of Maryland

Nancy DeBasio, Member-at-large
Research College of Nursing

Timothy Gaspar, Member-at-large
of Toledo


Donna Hathaway, Member-at-large
University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Martha Hill, Member-at-large
Johns Hopkins University

Juliann Sebastian, Member-at-large
University of Missouri - St. Louis


Mary Walker, Member-at-large
Loyola University Chicago

Geraldine Bednash, Chief Executive Officer
and Executive Director

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