Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chenango County



Beginning Farmer Online Course

Spring 2009

This course is for you if you are new to farming in New York! Each participant will be gathering information about their own enterprise and will create a Personal Plan. Course participants will be required to work through the assignments online at

Course Outline

Course Requirements

Registration Information

Questions? See some of our Frequently Asked Questions


Course Outline:

Part I- Evaluating Yourself and Your Land and Choosing an Enterprise

February 18 to March 25, 2009

Evaluating what you want to do and what you have to work with are key elements to a successful new farm enterprise. Part I of the Spring 2009 Beginning Farm On-Line Course with steer participants through:

Week 1: Welcome and Introduction- February 18 to February 24, 2009

This first week we will introducing you to Moodle (our on-line “classroom”) and orienting you with the goals and format of the Beginning Farmer Course.


Week 2: Goals, Skills and Resources- February 25 to March 3, 2009

This we will be evaluating what you would like to do and what resources you have available to you. We will be working on creating a goal statement and identifying skills and resources. Then begin site evaluation.


Week 3: Site Evaluation- March 4 to March 10, 2009

In week three, we will move into site evaluation full swing. Certain crops are suited for particular soils and sites, and it’s much easier to match crops to your site than to modify your site to suit what you’d like to grow. We’ll evaluate what you have, or would like to have, at your site.


Week 4: Enterprise Evaluation- March 11 to March 18, 2009

Now that you know a little about your site, or future site, and what you’re goals are, you’ll need to finding the best crop for you and your land. This week we’ll look at the different crops that are suitable.


Week 5: Wrap-Up and Evaluation- March 18 to March 25, 2009

In the final week of Part I we’ll wrap-up goals, site evaluation, and enterprises and compile everything into the start of a Personal Plan.


At this point you’re ready to start working, or consider taking Part II!


Part II- Markets and Profits Online Course

March 18 to April 29, 2009

Educational objectives

•  Identifying farm goals and timelines for their enterprise

•  Understand the potential for profitability with selected agricultural products 

•  Start to prepare a marketing plan

•  Understand that everything in farming is interconnected- Holistic point of view.


Week 1 – Introduction and Orientation to Moodle-  March 18 to March 24, 2009

This is a chance for those in the class to get to know each other and get some tips on using the course content software – Moodle. 


Week 2 – Farm Goals- March 25 to March 31, 2009

This week will be spent helping participants identify what goals they may initially have for their farm business.  For example, is the farm going to be the only source of family income or just supplement it?


Week 3 and 4 – Marketing Discussion and Plans- April 1 to April 14, 2009

Week three will be spent exploring the topic of marketing in regards to a farm business.  Week four will be spent helping participants to start preparing a marketing plan for their farm.


Week 5 and 6 – What Will it Take to be Profitable? - April 15 to April 29, 2009

Week five is spent discussing ways to measure profitability for a farm business and other related issues.   Week six is the last week of the course and will help participants learn if an agricultural crop they are interested in can be produced profitably.


On-line course requirements:

Please note: we will have the ability to trouble shoot some basic technology questions, but are not able to answer/fix all potential computer problems that individual computer may have. If you have an issue with the technology during the course, please let us know ASAP so we can try to get you back on-board.




Part I and Part II can be taken independently or in sequence. Registration: $100 for either course or $150 for the full 10 weeks. Download and print forms OR contact Chenango County Cornell Cooperative Extension at (607) 334-5841



Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Do I have to have an idea or a product yet?

Answer: You do not have to have a product yet. In fact, what better time to start the plan than before (vs.after) you start to build on your ideas! You can give the class as much time as you want. I would say that at least 2 hours a week would give you time to read the material, explore some things, respond to course assignments and ask questions. You can decide when and how much you want to do. You will start your plan as you go.

Question: How do I get help if I need it?

Answer: We will try and gauge when people think they will be online so if you need us, we will be around. Like virtual office hours!

We will also use a synchronous site (Adobe Connect) that will allow for live, real time interaction. It is cool. But if you miss something, don't worry! That is the joy of being an adult learner. You can catch up if you need to when you can.

Question: How much time will it take?

Answer: You can give the class as much time as you want. I would say that at least 2 hours a week would give you time to read the material, explore some things, respond to course assignments and ask questions. You can decide when and how much you want to do. You will start your plan as you go.

Question: Now that I enrolled, what is next?

Answer: The week before the class you will receive info on how to log on to course website. There is no set time, with the exception of the optional Adobe Connect sessions. No pre-work. You have a week to work through content and do assignments as you see fit. We will be scheduling "virtual office hours" once we know what times most folks will be online. It will likely be a time at both ends of the day.

Question: What is Adobe Connect?

Answer: Adobe Connect is a web based software package that allows us to present live to you at your computer. We can share presentations, take you to web sites, and walk you through procedures for doing course related things. Cornell owns a license that allows us access to the software. For Adobe Connect to work properly, you will need to download plug-ins. 



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