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© 2008 Missouri Farm Publishing Inc.
Writer’s Guidelines

Small Farm Today magazine is dedicated to preserving and promoting small farming, rural living, community and agripreneurship. We use a “can-do”, upbeat, positive approach and all articles submitted should reflect this attitude.

We need “how-to” articles (how to grow, raise, market, build, etc), as well as articles about small farmers who are experiencing success through diversification, specialty/alternative crops and livestock, and direct marketing. Small Farm Today is especially interested in articles that explain how to do something from start to finish citing specific examples involved in the process or operation being discussed. It is important to include data on production costs, budgets, potential profits, etc. See the list of topics at the end for ideas. We do not usually use fiction, poetry, humorous, or political pieces.

Reprints: If your manuscript has been printed in another publication, please list the publications and dates published. We prefer to publish original articles.

Submission Format
* 1400-2600+ word articles, typed or on a 3.5” disk in text format.
* Accompanying captioned photographs with SASE for photo return.
* The article should be “how-to”, describing how to raise the crop or animal and how it is marketed. It should list the address of the farm examined or other resources to contact for more information.
* Please include data on production costs, budgets, profit information, and marketing methods.

We welcome both completed manuscripts and queries, but recommend you query your idea before sending in a manuscript.

Manuscripts submitted for consideration become the property of Missouri Farm Publishing, Inc. and will NOT be returned unless accompanied by a selfaddressed, stamped envelope. Please remember to type and double-space manuscripts, allowing at least 1/3 page at the top of the first page for editing notes. We also accept articles on disks compatible with a Macintosh computer. Length, depending on subject, should probably be between 800 and 3,000 words (we usually prefer 1200-2600 words). We prefer manuscripts with accompanying photos.

Because we use an image scanner to transfer most hard copies of manuscripts onto the computer, we would prefer an original copy of your manuscript or a very clean photocopy.

It Is Important to Include the addresses and phone numbers of your primary sources/interviewees. We usually include this information at the end of the article so the readers can contact them for more information. Please specify if the source or interviewee does not wish to have their phone number or address listed at the end of the article.

If you have charts, diagrams or sources for additional information on your subject matter, we will try to use them as sidebars; with the article.

Small Farm Today® reserves the right to alter your manuscript for readability or space considerations. There will be no deliberate changes in the meaning of the text. Although every effort is made to avoid error, Small Farm Today does limit its responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, misprints, omissions, or other mistakes in the article content.

Special Section: Our Place
Small Farm Today® features a special section called Our Place. This section is written by farmers/landowners about their own property. We prefer it to be written in first person form (I, we, our). It should include a description of your farm and what you raise. Some “how-to” tips on what you have learned from dealing with your crops/livestock would be appreciated. Other things that can be mentioned are: how you got started, plans for the future, what makes your property unique, and marketing strategies you employ.

Several people have expressed concern about their writing abilities - don’t worry. The story will be edited for publication, but will still contain your own unique voice. Payment for Our Place is a box of magazines of the issue featuring your story. You can pass it out to family, friend, and customers.

Holding Policy
After the article is received, it is submitted to the editor for review. If approved, it will be slated for publication. There is a long waiting period for articles to be published, often close to a year. This is due to limited space (only 6 issues) and a multitude of interested writers. Please bear with our slow publishing times. If you would prefer not to have your story held, please send notification of this with your manuscript.

Editorial Calendar and Deadlines for Manuscript Submissions
Issue Emphasis and Deadlines:
January/February issue: Poultry, Gardening - November 10
March/April issue: Wool and Fiber, Field Crops - January 10
May/June issue: Marketing, Draft Animals - March 10
July/August issue: Large Livestock, Aquaculture - May 10
September/October issue: Small Livestock, Agroforestry - July 10
November/December issue: Equipment, Herbs, Greenhouses - September 10
Unless otherwise arranged with the publisher, Missouri Farm Publishing, Inc. buys first serial rights and nonexclusive reprint rights (the right to reprint article in an anthology) for both manuscripts and photos. Missouri Farm Publishing, Inc. reserves the right to edit the story for publication (see Alterations). Rate of pay for reprints may be less than our standard rate of pay. Payment is made approximately 60 days after publication. Sorry, no exceptions.
3.5 cents per word for each word published (see above paragraph) for first serial rights and nonexclusive reprint rights.
2 cents per word for each word published for reprinted articles.
We do not pay for book reviews.

$6.00 each for b&w or color prints
$10.00 for photo used on cover
$4.00 each for negatives or slides

Line art, graphs, and charts: $5.00 each

Cartoons: $15.00 each
Photos, Line Art, Graphs, Charts, and Cartoons
Please send color or black and white prints of photos and include information about each photo for use in captions. Only color photos can be used on the cover. If you do not have prints, we can use negatives or slides. All photos sent to us will be returned if you include a SASE for photo return.
Cartoons, line art, graphs, and charts are also welcome.

Subject Matter
Here are some of our regular topics:
Money-making alternatives for the small farm
Exotic animals (ostriches, buffalo and elk are some we have covered)
Minor breeds (Jacob sheep, Dexter cattle and red waffle hogs are some we have covered)
Draft horses (Using them on a small farm; also other draft animals)
Small stock (sheep, goats, rabbits, poultry)
Direct marketing (farmers markets, subscription marketing, roadside stands, Upick)
Wool and other fibers (production, processing, and marketing)
Specialty crops
New uses for traditional crops (Ethanol and plastic from corn, for example)
New sustainable farming methods
Rural living (particularly how-to)
Small fruits (grapes, berries, exotic new fruits)
Tree fruits
Sustainable agriculture (organic, reduced-input, agroecology)
Horticulture (herbs, ornamentals, wild flowers, vegetables, other opportunities)
Aquaculture (catfish, crawfish, fee fishing, tropical fish)
Home-based business (crafts, food processing)
Small-scale production of livestock (cattle, hogs, poultry)
Equipment appropriate to small-scale acreage work
Be warned that stories may have a long lead time. We currently have 80 stories in stock. We do not limit ourselves to the topics on this list. If you have an idea for a story, drop us a note outlining your idea.

Thank you for your interest in Small Farm Today!
If you have questions about these guidelines, contact Paul Berg, Managing Editor, at