
Phytophthora ramorum Bibliography: A comprehensive list of publications addressing numerous aspects of Phytophthora ramorum research. Updated regularly.

SOD Literature SummarySudden Oak Death and Phytophthora ramorum: A Summary of the Literature, by John T. Kliejunas.

Education & Training Resources: Documents available for downloading: handouts, posters and Power Point files, teacher and student guides, and Master Gardener information. Includes Information Binder, Virtual Training Guides, and the PRED program.

Risk Assessments: Risk Assessments for Phytophthora ramorum for the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Also a specific Risk Assessment for Oregon.

COMTF Program Documents: Task Force documents available for download, including informational pamphlets, diagnostic guides, educational materials, brochures and best management practices. These are primarily available in .pdf format, and require Acrobat 5.0 or higher.

Press Releases: All COMTF generated press releases on P. ramorum and Sudden Oak Death, published from 10.17.2001 to the present.



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About the Task Force. Created in August 2000, the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) is a nonprofit organization, under the California Forest Pest Council, that brings together public agencies, other nonprofit organizations and private interests to address the issue of elevated levels of oak mortality. The Task Force will implement a comprehensive and unified approach for research, management, education and public policy. Copyright 2004, COMTF