New Dean Mentoring Program

The New Dean Mentoring Program, formerly known as the Leadership Network, is an outgrowth of the Executive Development Series, AACN's semiannual workshops to develop the knowledge base and skills that are necessary to lead a nursing program in today's complex and changing environment.

AACN's New Dean Mentoring Program matches an experienced AACN-member dean with a member who is new to the dean's role for a period of mutual development. AACN members volunteer to participate in the program. New deans determine the areas of concern to them and establish the method and frequency of communication with their mentors. Mentors counsel and advise their new dean colleagues on the role of the dean and familiarize them with AACN member services and activities, in addition to accomplishing the goals set by the new dean.

Deans are matched according to their responses to a questionnaire. Program type, size, and location are also taken into account when matching mentors and new deans. Following confirmation of mentoring matches, participants will receive materials to assist them in developing a successful mentoring relationship. The materials can also be found at the bottom of this page.

Click here for the New Dean Questionnaire.
Click here for the Mentor Questionnaire.

Mentoring Program for Acting/Interim Deans

This program is similar to the New Dean Mentoring Program; however the target groups are those in acting and interim dean positions. Deans in these positions are either in them for a very short period of time, or in them until a lengthy search has been accomplished. Consequently, they may have very short term needs or needs related to maintaining the viability of a nursing program for a long period of time. Mentors have been asked to work with this group, realizing that this group has special needs. The acting/interim deans complete a survey identifying their needs. The mentors are assigned based on availability and provided with the needs assessment of the acting/interim deans. The mentoring relationship is expected to be one of short duration.

Click here for the Acting/Interim Dean Questionnaire.
Click here for the Mentor Questionnaire.

Leadership for Academic Nursing Program

The Leadership for Academic Nursing Program, supported by the Helene Fuld Health Trust, is to enhance the leadership capabilities of:

  • Individuals aspiring to lead academic nursing organizations and,
  • Individuals, new to the role, serve as the chief academic administrator of baccalaureate or graduate nursing programs.

The year long program provides the participant with a focused assessment experience, a range of content and case studies related to successful leadership, and the opportunity to establish networks of mentors or peers for development of long term partnerships for shared growth and development. The participants are classified as "Fellows."

The mentoring component of the program is a process in which a request for mentors is disseminated to AACN members. In order to qualify as a mentor for the program, the dean must have four or more years of experience in the decanal role. All qualified mentors with biographical information are listed on a password protected website and the leadership Fellows select mentors in priority of preference. Matching of mentors and Fellows is done based on preference. Generally this program has a ratio of 1:3 mentors to fellows; consequently, mentors will have 1-3 fellows assigned.

The mentoring relationship, initiated by a written contract, officially lasts for ten months or until the end of the one year program. However, the relationship may be extended informally for a period of time determined by the mentor and the Fellow.

Click here for a link to the Leadership for Academic Nursing Program.

General Mentoring Information

During the Fall and Spring Meetings there is a mentoring session on Sunday mornings. We encourage those interested in the mentoring programs to attend, even if you have not been paired with a mentor or mentee.

Click here for a bibliography of mentoring materials.
Click here for the ABCs of mentoring.
Click here for the Stages of Mentoring.

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