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Cutting the Cost of Horse Ownership in Tough Financial Times
In the current turbulent economic situation, horse owners need inforamtion on how to reduce horse maintenance costs in order to be able to keep their horses. Learn what a financially strapped horse owner can do to cut costs and save money with these tips from an economist, an equine specialist, and a horse owner

Nutrient Requirements
The daily nutrient requirements of the horse are based on a critical need for protein, energy, vitamins, minerals and water, to enable the horse to do a specific job and achieve his genetic and physical capabilities.

Basic Horse Training
[Image: Teaching body control]

The basic handling skills must be taught to every horse to make him safe and enjoyable for the horseman. Regardless of your use of the horse, these handling skills will assist in the development of harmony and cooperation between horse and rider.

Showmanship at Halter
Where ever horses are bought or sold, a horseman attempts to fit his horse and set him up squarely on his feet and legs so that the horse can be presented to his best advantage to the perspective buyer. Therefore it is essential to understand the basic skills of fitting and showing a horse at halter.

Horsemanship is more than a class in a horse show. It is the ability of a horseman to ride and handle his horse properly and in balance.
Minerals For Horses
The primary concern in mineral nutrition is to provide salt and adequate levels of calcium and phosphorous in approximately a 1.3 to 1 ratio.
Vitamins For Horses
Vitamin supplementation in horses is generally not needed since common feeds normally contain adequate amounts. Vitamin deficiencies occur primarily when horses are sick or stressed, or if feed is improperly processed and stored over long periods of time. In these cases, vitamin supplementation may be necessary.
Controlling Your Horse with Rhythm
An attentive rider can use the rhythm of a horse's gait to influence speed and direction while riding.
Teaching Youth to Ride by Feel
One of the most difficult tasks facing an instructor is teaching a student to feel and react to the horse's movement and responses. Riders who do not feel the horse's errors are unable to react correctly in a timely manner to the horse.
Being Responsive to Your Horse
To respond properly to a horse, a rider must be able to recognize and understand what the animal is doing.
Daily Care and Management
By providing good care, horsemen can minimize the costs of health care and maximize their enjoyment of their horses.
Toxicants in Feeds, Hay and Forages [Image: Baling alfalfa hay]
Conscientious owners should be aware that there can be potentially toxic substances in feeds.
Veterinarian Cautions Don’t Let Horses Starve This Winter
Horses have to rely on their owners for food, water and shelter, so it’s important to see that those needs are met – particularly at times like this when dry weather leads to a shortage of pasture grass, says LSU AgCenter veterinarian Dr. Steven S. Nicholson.
Poisonous Plants for Louisiana Livestock in the Fall [Image: Senna occidentalis]
Images of major poisonous plants are presented to assist livestock owners with plant recognition. Toxic effects are also mentioned.