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University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
about usUWCC publicationsUWCC education programsFarmer Cooperative Conference
links to co-ops

agricultural co-ops

Agricultural-Related | Aquaculture and Fisheries | Blueberries | Coffee | Cotton | Cranberries | Dairy | Eggs | Farm Supply | Financial | Forestry | Fruit | Genetics and DHI Services | Honey | Livestock | Marketing | New Generation | Nuts | Organic | Potatoes | Poultry | Rice | Soybeans | Sugar | Turkeys | Vegetables

non-agricultural co-ops

Alternative Energy | Arts and Crafts | Car Sharing | Childcare | Computer-Related | Consumer Non-Food | Credit Union | Dane County | Employment and Training | Food/Grocery | Health Care | Housing | Insurance | Marketing | Purchasing | Sports | Sustainable Living/Intentional Communities | Tourism | Utility | Worker

service organizations & university centers

A through I | J through P | Q through Z | University Centers

links by corporate affiliation

CHS - Land O'Lakes System | Growmark

UW Extension | UW Madison