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Children's Internet Protection Act
Feedback Form

This form may be used to report issues related to the filtering software installed on all of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's computers in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). If you are experiencing a problem with the filtering software that you wish to have resolved immediately, a staff member will be happy to assist you.

Please check all appropriate boxes below.

The filtering software improperly blocked a site that I wished to visit.
Please provide the web address for the blocked site:

The web address (also called an URL) appears in the "Address" box at the top of the screen. Please provide the full URL, beginning with http://.

The filtering software did not block a site that is in violation of CIPA.
Please provide the web address for the site:

The web address (also called an URL) appears in the "Address" box at the top of the screen. Please provide the full URL, beginning with http://.

A staff member failed to disable the filter or unblock a site without significant delay upon my request.
Please provide any details you wish:

  Additional comments:

If you would like a representative of the library to contact you about your concern, please provide the following information. This information is not required.
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
(if available)
Please note that your personal information is protected by the terms of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's privacy policy.
Thank you for your input.
We value your opinion.