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Welcome to...                                                                      
for Sustainable Community

It's not just a place… it is a state of being, as well.

Awakening the Creator Within seminar participants

“Let ours be a time remembered
for the awakening of a new reverence for life,

the firm resolve to achieve sustainability,
the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace,
and the joyful celebration of life.”
                                       …From The Earth Charter

We would like to share with you our experience of sustainable community and what we are doing to contribute to its emergence on our planet.

After living and experimenting in community for more than two decades, we have learned that authentic and lasting community is not something you can walk into, purchase, or have given to you. True community is something that each of us ultimately creates for ourselves, from within ourselves, and it comes from being open, honest, vulnerable and compassionate - patient, courageous and involved - not only with others but with the natural world as well.

Click to enlarge - Community garden bounty
Garlic Braiding Party


For you to experience what many of us feel, it is with genuineness, compassion and love that we have created this site, reflecting our experience of the community in which we live.

Herein lies our story and our dreams.



We are engaged in the discovery and creation
of ‘Sustainable Community‘
honoring and embracing the natural world and humanity.

We nurture the harmony of all relationships with joy,
excellence and compassion.

....CSC Founding Statement

Center for Sustainable Community
127 Sun Street
Stelle, Il. 60919


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Recent Events: 

November 2 , 2008
New Techniques for Emotional Sustainability with Open House

Oct. 5, 2008
Solar Tour

Sept. 25, 2008
U of I Field Day - Stelle Tour

August 16, 2008
Herbs for Health and Healing

July 12 & 19, 2008
Strawbale & Plaster Building Workshops

June 28, 2008
From Garden To Table Workshops

See a complete
listing of our
Past Events

View Our

Walking Tour of CSC Land




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