
Finding information about a species

The GBIF Portal provides access to data on the distribution of species in the form of species occurrence records (the details of an occurrence of a particular species at a particular place at a particular time), as well as the name(s) and classification(s) of each species, and links to additional information, if this is available. Because classification(s) are included, you can use them to search for data on a group of organisms that includes one or more species.

There are two ways to find information on a species or group: Search for it directly, or use the Classification Browser.

Searching for a species or group

The simplest way to find information on a species or group is to search for its name using the search box that is included on every page of the portal.

Step-by-step guide
  1. From the home page of the portal or any other page, enter a scientific name or a common name in the Search box and click Go! (or hit Return on your keyboard).
  2. After you click "Agree" at the bottom of the Data Use Agreement (this will not appear again), the portal will return lists of names that match the search string, as well as names that include the search string. Scientific names are returned with an indication of their place in the overall classification to make it easier to select between multiple matches.
  3. The search results are grouped into four categories (you may need to scroll down to see all the results, or click on the category headings near the top of the page):
    1. Scientific Names
    2. Common Names
    3. Countries
    4. Datasets
  4. If the search string matches a large number of items in one of these categories, only the first 10 will be displayed. To see the rest of the matches, click on the link that begins "View all..." at the end of the list, and then select from the full list (which may spread over multiple pages).
  5. Click on a name under either of the categories Scientific Name or Common Name to see the Overview Page (explained below) for the chosen species or group of organisms.

See an example of these steps for:

Browsing the classification

To locate a species or group by browsing the full classification of organisms included in the portal through the Classification Browser, select the Explore Species link on the home page of the portal, or on the SPECIES link included in the banner at the top of every page.

Please note: The classification shown through this view is an automatically generated extension of data that have been provided by taxonomic authorities, in particular the Catalogue of Life Annual Checklist, the International Plant Names Index and the Index Fungorum. For an explanation, see Scientific names and classifications in the GBIF portal

This automatically generated extension of authoritative classifications is necessary to ensure that the classification includes all species for which the GBIF network offers data. Please notify GBIF of any problems that have arisen through this automated process.

Step-by-step guide
  1. From the home page of the portal, select Explore Species.
  2. The portal will display the top level of the classification tree (Kingdoms). For each entry in the tree two actions are available:
    1. Clicking on the plus symbol () to the left of the name will open the classification view that is subordinate to that group of organisms or species (if any). This allows the classification to be explored directly.
    2. Clicking on the "overview" link to the right of the name will open the Overview Page for that species or group of organisms, which includes access to any species occurrence records available from the GBIF network.
  3. The classification view also includes an "Actions" box with quick links for the currently selected species or group of organisms:
    1. "Information about ..." opens the Overview Page for the current selection.
    2. "Explore occurrences" opens the Occurrence Search page so that the user can access the occurrence records that are available for the selection.
    3. "Explore classifications" opens the Taxon Search page so you can compare the classification of the selected species or group of organisms used in different data sets available through the portal.
  4. Entering a name in the "Quick search" field (below the "Actions" box) and clicking "Search" will open the Classification Browser view for the species or group of organisms entered.

The Overview Page

Searching for a species or browsing the classification leads to the Overview Page for the species or chosen group of organisms. The Overview Page summarises the data available, and includes links to allow exploration of the data in more detail. An overview page for a grouping higher than species (Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum or Kingdom) provides an overview of records for all of the species included in that group.

Several of the links on overview pages lead to the Occurrence Search page - see Searching for Occurrences for more information on using that page.

Step-by-step guide
  1. The scientific name of the species or group is given at the top of its Overview Page, along with its place in the overall classification. The names in the classification can be used as quick links to the Overview Pages for those groups of organisms.
  2. The page includes an "Actions" box with quick links for the current species or group of organisms:
    1. "Explore occurrences" opens the Occurrence Search page, which shows all available occurrence records associated with the species or group.
    2. "Explore classification and names" opens the Classification Browser view for the species or group of organisms.
    3. There are also options for downloading records and making lists of countries and datasets within which the species or group of organisms occurs.
  3. The "Names and Classification" section provides detail on the names used for the organisms and identifies the authority for this information where applicable.
  4. The "Occurrence overview" section provides a map of all available georeferenced records, and links to the occurrence search page for the organisms. The map includes only georeferenced records (those that include map coordinates), but there may be additional records available that are not georeferenced. The counts of each type of record are provided below the map. See Maps in the GBIF portal for more about how to use these maps, and the Desert Kangaroo Rat example of limiting the datasets returned to only those with georeferenced records.
  5. When images or other additional data or information are available, links to these resources are included.