
Finding information about the Desert Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys deserti)

If a person is interested in seeing what data are available for a particular species through the GBIF network, the simplest way to find the data is by typing its name into the search box on any page in the portal.

This step-by-step example demonstrates how to find datasets that contain georeferenced occurrence data (records that have geographic coordinates that allow mapping of the occurrences) for the species "Desert Kangaroo Rat", even if you don't at first know its scientific name.

Finding the scientific name and associated occurrence records

  1. Begin by entering "kangaroo rat" into the search box on the Data Portal.
  2. The search results page shows the first ten common name matches for "kangaroo rat." The "View all..." link below this list leads to a page with all common name matches for "kangaroo rat." Common name information is given in parentheses after the scientific name and taxonomic classification information is given to the right of each link.
  3. Click the link "Species: Dipodomys deserti (English: Desert Kangaroo Rat)" to go to the Overview Page for the species.
  4. The map on this Overview Page supplies a visual summary of georeferenced occurrence records for the Desert Kangaroo Rat. Note that below the map, you are told how many records there are that are mapped, and how many records there are in total.

Finding which datasets have records that are georeferenced (have map coordinates)

  1. Open the Occurrence Search Page by clicking on "Explore occurrences" in the Actions for Dipodomys deserti box that is above the map on the Overview Page.
  2. In the Occurrence Search page, under "Add search filter", choose "Coordinate Status" in the drop-down menu, and that the right-hand drop-down is on "Includes coordinates". Click "Add Filter".
  3. To the right, under "Your current search", click Search. This will limit the results list to only those records that can be mapped, because they contain geographic coordinates. Some of these are listed in a "Sample results" table on the page that appears.
  4. Now, you can choose to "View records on map", "View records as table" or "Download matching records" by clicking a link in the "Actions" box.
  5. If you wish to learn more about the datasets and the data providers that make them available, click on the appropriate link that begins the heading "Specify" in the "Actions" box.
  6. In the page that opens, you can click on the name of a dataset or a data provider to go to its Overview Page.