New Students

  • Apply for Admission
  • Records:  Arrange to have official transcipts of high school and previous college work sent to Shasta College.  These are important for counseling and program planning.  Transcripts sent to Shasta College from other colleges and/or educational institutions at the request of a student become part of the student's permanent file and are not duplicated nor distributed.
  • Assessment Testing:  This service provides students with information that will help them to make appropriate selections of major programs and courses. 
  • Orientation:  The orientation program provides new students an opportunity to meet with a counselor and register for courses. 
  • Pay enrollment fees:  To make a payment online visit MyShasta login and click on the "Make a Payment" link.  To pay in person you can pay at the Admissions and Records windows or at our Business office window both are located in the 100 building.