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Horticultural Research Institute

HRI: Horticultural Research Institute

Maximize Your Charitable Giving This Year and Support the Green Industry and Your business Success by Contributing to the HRI Endowment.

Your contribution to HRI will support priority research at leading institutions around the country.

HRI supports tailored research that helps green industry members tackle issues with an eye on definable outcomes and a return on investment for the nursery and landscape industry. This year, all donors of $250 or more to the HRI General Fund or Emerging Issues Fund will receive the second limited edition print of HRI's Thomas Pinney photo series.

Make a difference and support HRI!

Click here to make your donation or contact Teresa Jodon at 202-741-4852 or

The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) was established in 1962 to support and promote horticultural research that benefits the nursery and landscape industry. HRI is regarded as the research arm of the American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA). HRI is a 501(c) (6), non-profit corporation.

The Horticultural Research Institute Endowment Fund (HRIEF) was created to be the vehicle through which individuals, businesses, associations and foundations may make important tax-deductible contributions for the support of educational and scientific research. HRIEF is an IRS-recognized 501(c) (3) tax-exempt research and educational foundation.

About HRI

Planting Trees

Our Mission: To direct, fund, promote and communicate horticultural research, which increases the quality and value of ornamental plants, improves the productivity and profitability of the nursery and landscape industry, and protects and enhances the environment.

Core Purpose: 1) To focus on industry survival issues such as pest management, environmental stewardship and sustainability, marketing, and mechanization/automation to reduce industry vulnerability to labor challenges and to improve production efficiency 2) To educate and enhance the industry by effectively communicating the results and facilitating the technology transfer of horticultural research3) To act as a clearinghouse for industry research and statistics. 4) To continue to develop HRI's endowment fund.

Vision: To be the premier horticultural research and development institution for the nursery and landscape industry.

HRI Staff

Teresa Jodon
Endowment Program Administrator
Marc Teffeau
Director of Research and Regulatory Affairs

HRI Mailing Address

Horticultural Research Institute
1000 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005-4914
Phone: 202-789-2900
Fax: 202-789-1893

American Nursery & Landscape Association, 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC  20005-4914  USA, Tel:202/789-2900, Fax: 202/789-1893