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Bee Search 

IBRA is looking at ways to reinstate, update and develop this service. Currently there are some 60,000 entries on the IBRA database.

The aim is to make searches possible via the web. At present access is only possible by staff members. If you need a search we ask that you supply keywords to cover the subject you are interested in, and we will produce a bibliography of publications that match your search profile.


What do I get?
We will e-mail you a bibliography - over 90% of the items in it also contain summaries in English which will give you a good idea of the publications' contents. Then if you need access to full papers and know from the bibliography that your requirement lies in the Eva Crane / IBRA Library, contact The National Library of Wales (www.llgc.org.uk) for scans or hard copies.

How much will it cost?  
The charge covers a basic search fee for each search profile and the resulting bibliography, which is e-mailed to you as a text file. Each subject will be charged for separately, e.g. American foulbrood and European foulbrood are two subjects. Abstracts are included in the price. 

Current charges.
£50.00. But IBRA Members pay just £25.00. 
Your BeeSearch bibliography will be sent to you when payment is received. 


How do I pay?
IBRA can accept different methods of payment, e.g. credit or debit card.


 If you would like to discuss your search or have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of IBRA staff.